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File: 1707774428590.mp4 (3.5 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, starryicespice.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


Spritecucks… not like this…


Jeez, it's a bad time to be a normalfag.


So that's what Zoomers are into? Literally just a fat Ronald McDonald impersonator?


What is up with zoomers and Sprite?


Pushing more cuck narratives to the general public. How much longer until it's over 50% of all couples that this is normalized with? 5 years, 10 years?


You can tell shit's fucked up when not even their beloved niggers are now safe from soyboy propaganda.


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Spritekeks… I just needed something more refreshing, more crisp


I mean black men in the USA have been known to share their girls with their niggas its in 90s rap songs. A few years ago island niggers and african niggers in other countries said when coming to the USA were perplexed when coming to the USA that other niggers were asking for blessings to fuck their african girlfriend/wife with them.

About time everyone will be soy.


Well niggers have been getting wise to jews as of late and are being bad golems , so now they're getting targeted too.


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>A few years ago island niggers and african niggers in other countries said when coming to the USA were perplexed when coming to the USA that other niggers were asking for blessings to fuck their african girlfriend/wife with them.


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Buck juice going in black women is a waste tbh, should be reserved for wh*te bitches


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"There's no alliance more historic, nor more important, than the alliance between Black Americans and Jewish Americans."
That's what Marc Morial, the president of the National Urban League, said in 2020 during his organization's Black-Jewish Unity Week joint event with the American Jewish Committee.
>niggers are getting wise to Jews
Literally never happened or will ever happen. Niggers know that Jews are their masters and are very happy about it because the only thing a nigger cares about is shooting his nigger gene into a white woman, and Jewish social engineering is what makes that happen. Niggers will forever suck Jewish dick if not only for that reason.
Every white nationalist who thought niggers could be relied on in any way, most recently like Fuentes and Anglin with the embarassing Koonye debacle, is automatically invalidated. That is like the one rule, no niggers, ever.


They keep blaming white people over the kike wearing blackface.


I mean look how many celebrity niggers completely soyed out for israel.


I unironically have a subscription to cumeatingcuckolds.com


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Why would they bite the rubbing hands that feeds them?


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Are there actually heterosexual males out there who talk like that?


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Sprite>Pepsi Twist>jones strawberry lime>Sierra Mist>starry


The peak of modern American culture. Even Mexicans and Brazilians make better advertisements.


Life was so simpler when one could drink soda.

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