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File: 1708193531207.mp4 (7.72 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Nigga Nigga Nigga.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


It's true.


Nigga nigga nigga.

Why do the Police Hate Niggaz?


File: 1708213188895.jpg (165.66 KB, 634x860, 317:430, 1707279569626.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Jews enabled niggers to ruin america, so really the blame is on the hebraics


>apologizing for niggers
in b4 "muh apologizing for kikes"


>ampollojizing at all


I like neither, friend, but the african man is rather servile and easy to control when you're allowed to do it, which our ol' pals from the levan have graciously forbidden us from actually doing for generations now. Take care of the root of the problem and the symptoms go away.


Niggers ruined Armenia.


Murder Mike? More like Muder Kike!


>he fell for the buck breaking meme
never understood this reductionist logic. even if by some grace of god all the levantines are suddenly gone tomorrow, the subsaharans are already too deeply entrenched in society. and if you think they're just a "symptom" instead of an actual systemic disease themselves then it's obvious you've never actually dealt with them.

>we can just enslave them again

you will never be a landowner


A good analogy for this would be the situation in the Florida Everglades where the Burmese phython, an invasive species, is now so fucking dominant that it has killed off like 90% of the local mammals, completely ruining the ecosystem. Not even the local gators were able to cull their population and these pythons actively hunt and kill younger gators, making everything much worse. It was introduced to the Everglades by retarded pet owners who let them go once they grew bigger than 10 feet and started being dangerous to their other pets. Importing Burmese pythons is now illegal as is dumping them to the Everglades, but the pythons have already done so much damage and reached uncontrollable numbers that the government declared an indefinite open season on them. The government even offers to buy their meat off of you to encourage people to hunt and kill these bastards even more.


The buck breaking thing isn't really a meme. Blacks might be prone to chimping out, but they can also be really submissive to authority. They're not hard to keep in line when the will is actually there.
>even if by some grace of god all the levantines are suddenly gone tomorrow, the subsaharans are already too deeply entrenched in society.
The idea that everything wrong with society is due to Jewish influence isn't true either. It's a huge stretch to reduce all poz to Jews when the rot was already taking hold back when they weren't much of a factor in society outside of specific areas like banking. It didn't take Jews to create mattoids like John Brown or Parson Brownlow.
>and if you think they're just a "symptom" instead of an actual systemic disease themselves then it's obvious you've never actually dealt with them.
That's 100% true.


It's like naming something that starts and ends with A, gets jinxed.


File: 1709118271321.mp4 (19.45 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Thank You White People.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

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