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File: 1708304080088.jpg (103.43 KB, 1076x1066, 538:533, 20240218_185251.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


"J Balvin?" Heh….kid…how about Trump Micky D's.



File: 1708317367326.mp4 (347.24 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ramoncmon.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Naw, I'd rather be balvin'


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Both sides are full blown retards tbh.


Do you have two polar opposites in your family? It's wild seeing a full blown Quckold clash with a turbo anti-white white. Half the shit they sling at each other is so nonsensical and rapid fire it's like watching Italians argue.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Is it problematic wishing death upon goons?


What exactly is gooning or a goon that goons


You jerk your dick but don't nut. You build up your cum for hours and then finally cum, resulting in a very powerful orgasm. You charge your dick.

I think it's casually inferred to be masturbation simply these days.


It's just a mere coincidence that the same word can also mean a registered SomethingAwful member?


A gooner is a man with a severe porn addiction. I know that sounds like the same thing as coomer, and it is. It comes from some redditors who made a board called gooners where they use the term and brag about their over-the-top dedication to porn. Screencaps from there got shared as memes and so the term spread.




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You just know the goon sesh with Ramon would go hard and he would bring the best goon fuel


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What a renessance man. He does all that he does AND he's a trained lifeguard. Truly a role model for us to aspire to be like.



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I seriously don't get these fucking newfags


File: 1708874208779.png (Spoiler Image, 447.91 KB, 500x709, 500:709, ramonconstruction.png) ImgOps iqdb

He's worked construction too, he's a blue collar hero which is probably why he pisses off the NEET virgins on this site


Gay crackhead aids victim with a heavy dose of nigger genetics.


But enough about Donald J Trump


WRONG, retard


I actually found an old Ramon's meme on 4chan /tv/ from over a decade ago, he on Ridley Scott's Alien. I need to find it again.

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