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File: 1708313147660.png (898.32 KB, 600x912, 25:38, Falseknees 268.png) ImgOps iqdb


I hate niggers and kikes and faggot troons and my favourite color is azure which isn't the same as blue or purple go fuck yourshelf and knock all the anime figurines off it in the process you fucking nigger weeaboo I fucking hate what's become of this place. Not /dunk/ I mean the broader sense.

My fuckin KIKE government won't let me use the internet without monitoring every fucking thing i do as if mmy monero node is a threat to national securityy i can't evne fghugUHAIe GHLegU H O:Gh: I am not even gonna ffuckn bother explaing im so fuckin mad it's not as if I can even afford a cluster of raspberry pi to do anything wild im so fucking done with this shit

You know, when I was a child, the government could just directly fuck you, there weren't this many steps just to get the same result. It's fucking retarded like oooooooo look at me I'm PEDO BAIT isnt that nice? and then if you just ignore it they throttle youre internet connection like i don't see what they're ddoign imm ABSOLKUTELYT FUCKING LIVID i swear to god just nuke this fucking country already, i'll take one for the team as long as nothing but nuclear hellfire remains and you cna quote me on that my blood is fucking boiling


If it's any consolation, I got like 2 raisins in the bowl of raisin bran I just ate. Granted, it is store brand, but I've never gotten chinced on raisins before. This is a first.


are you a cuck?



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The instant I see the bullshit answer and I'm about to fucking go off on them and you post this
I can just take a step back
I don't take the bait.
The joke's appreciated. I'm glad you're adding levity so I'm not feeding this fucking government-commission homunculus


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Just stay strong and believe in Big Black Cock. That's how I get through the day, anon.


Hey man, take a break from the internet. It's not that the problems you're talking about aren't real, it's just that if you fixate this hard on them you're gonna go insane. I'm not kidding dude, this wall of word salad is not good for you.


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I was angry when I made the post, it's been an hour, I cooled off.
But in a calm, lucid tone: fuck you, you're the problem. It's not an internet thing, this is everywhere. You're the one too tied into the net, parroting other people that dismiss things with "touch grass" type remarks.


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I don't believe I said touch grass. Also fuck you, azure is just a shade of blue.


File: 1708317897789.mp4 (890.09 KB, 326x326, 1:1, fuck you .mp4) ImgOps iqdb

youre the kid that chewed the crayon when they tried teach everyone to draw


What if I fucked you in the ass? How would you like that? Nigger.


ookook muh dick tier response, kike


File: 1708332788003.jpeg (47.71 KB, 400x632, 50:79, 1613689482129.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb


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