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What's a good site to be posting on these days, if you actually want people to see and engage with the stuff you post?
Obviously all of the big social media sites are weighted in such a way that some rando making a post just ends up posting into a void, and that post never gets read by anyone.

Should I just go back to Newgrounds? I mean, Newgrounds is pretty much for kids. I don't think it's the most appropriate environment for an aging boomer to be hanging around.
Should I unironically be using DeviantArt?


Nowhere. I've been looking for years. It's all AI and bot slops now.


The internet is dead. Liberal censorship killed it post 2016.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
DeviantArt still have their short tempered incompetent moderators who defend with sword and shield their poor overgrown toddlers, the reason why tumblr and twitter vacuumed most of its users because they're like 10 times worse on their TOS, lewd autists have fragile egos despite being punk.

And Newgrounds opted to have retarded regulations like if they're a TV station, kiss goodbye the funny shit that once was appreciated because of copyrighted music.


>What's a good site to be posting on these days
all of them, soon.
our jeeted cell networks are crumbling so I expect improvement across the board once mobile is kill.


Don't know what you mean


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>Liberal censorship killed it post 2016.

It really did along with the social media monopoly and 3rd world browns having access to western internet. Then the fact leftist fags invade places like 4chan and made it the retard factory.


>And Newgrounds opted to have retarded regulations like if they're a TV station
It was either that or get sued to the point they'd have to shut the site down. The people who own it aren't rich.


Cell networks went down for a couple of hours in the middle of the night so apparently that means all phones are kill soon in two weeks.


4chan has been a retard factory since MLP faggotry and that was what, 2010?


How do you lose that much mass?


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It has to be a shop. I don't think he was ever a bodybuilder.


Duh… face has way more many pixels than the body portion.


I don't know anything about shoops. I just don't really get the what point is.


the leftard and brownoid invasion started in early 2008, who do you think the unironic Fawkesfags were? hindsight is 20/20 but when you think about it, project chanology was the defining moment when everything truly started going downhill for imageboards.


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Starting in 2007ish you had hundreds of millions of new internet users every year thanks to cheap mobile devices becoming powerful enough to use web browsers. In my lifetime I saw it go from less than 10 million users to the majority of the human population. Some forgettable moment in imageboard history involving at most a few tens of thousands of people is nothing compared to that.


>another thread devolves into "what killed the internet"
I literally don't care. I want to focus on where can we still go, or how can we make it better. Blame shifting and doomposting isn't getting anyone anywhere.
We've all been doing this for ten years at this point.


The question of 'where to go now' and 'how can we change things' has been solved long ago as well. There are decentralized social media platforms by the dozen, alternative dns systems for accessing new protocols all the way to more arcane and difficult to find places that use public key cryptography and are invite only.

If you're stuck on the remnants of the dying web with no idea of where to go next that's a you problem.


Well yeah, that's why I asked
>we have the solutions. We know where the cool kids are
So you going to tell me, or what?


>where we go
There's nowhere to go. Niggers are everywhere.


Let alone every social media platform for all the kewl kids on the block force you to register your personal data so later on: a janny can dox you for wrong-thinking.


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And now they're killing each other.


deviantart basically committed suicide last year and it's impossible to use the search engine now, pixiv (which is infamous for intentionally bad) is now better
twitter is probably your best bet but it's still pretty shitty


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Twitter is GARBAGE, doesn't work any more without an account and has no desktop interface (putting big white bars at the side doesn't count). Billion dollar company by the way


Literally no one is going to notice you on Twitter, unless you're already established, or posting clickbait all day.
I remember how Newgrounds was. How you would post something, and it would get displayed on he "latest uploads" page, and at least ten people would show up and review it. Even if they all said it was shit, you had human engagement. That's what I want.


Why would anyone tell you? Do you really think if someone knew of a genuinely good place to use they would willingly invite disaster upon it by letting anyone here know about it? If I want to see some retards spam a gay porn actor or whine about boogeymen out of fucking nowhere I'll just jeep coming here, not drag it to an actually worthwhile site.


I'm not asking into your gay secret club with five posters on it. That's the entire problem with places like this.
I literally want Twitter but good.


>There are decentralized social media platforms by the dozen
Social media sucks though.


>I literally want Twitter but good.
Then go to twitter. Just follow good posters and block retards.


I said, everyone ignores you on Twitter, unless you're an established person, or a professional asskisser.
The algorithm is doing everything in it's power to stop people from just seeing a random selection of fresh posts. That's the problem with it.


A lot of the accounts are bots, on average 1/3 or more of a popular accounts followers are bots.


>everyone ignores you on Twitter
Who cares? You don't need to be some kind of big eceleb. Twitter is full of small niches where small accounts talk amongst themselves about their specific interests.


I want to post, and have people respond, which never happens.


Only gonna happen if you put a girl as your avatar.


I actually fucked her. Like all blackboys, she loves BLC and BMC.


Were you the one who gave him HIV?


None. It's over.


>What's a good site to be posting on these days
You're here.

Also, this.

>Should I just go back to Newgrounds?

All the oldfags will eventually go back to IRC.


>You're here.
Peak toppest lel I bet your dumbass actually believes that too.


Why did this post make anon piss and shid himself.


>I literally want social media but good
Good luck faggot. Actually no I hope you fail entirely, you're stupid as fuck and never should've used imageboards in the first place.


Lies loosen my bowels.


What's wrong with wanting Myspace back

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