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File: 1708717699908.mp4 (2.66 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2024 Butterfly Shrimp & Ch….mp4) ImgOps iqdb


HAHAHA Don't you just want one for yourself?


>nigger in the thumbnail
I'm not watching it. Sick of seeing niggers everywhere.


File: 1708722104995.mp4 (2.99 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2024 AYCE Butterfly Shrimp….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

>He prefers the spanish ads.
Well at least you're not racist.


Finally, some HUWHITE people!


Wait a second, I spot a nigger somewhere in the background. THERE'S A FUCKING NIGGER IN THE BACKGROUND.


>the quirky groid gets the redhead, the silent White man gets the chink
What did jews mean by this?

Also, Goyden Corral is goyslop.


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*bails him out for an orgyfest hosted at Comedy Central*


Another Homo erectus who had no business being at an institute of higher learning.


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>be high-IQ White man
>enroll at university for music program
>get bunked with some junkie proto-man with apelike living habits
>meet a cute girl, try to have a relationship in spite of this
>after Valentine's Day, the jealous groid clips you and your gf


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I can get wanting to be a lawyer, but how can you live with yourself having this kind of career responsibility?
I would think being confronted with this task would be enough to force a career change.


Looks like a real scholar.


Read this to get an idea of what those lawyers are about from one able to admit something is very wrong at a fundamental level.
>I am a liberal. I believe that those of us who are able to produce abundance have a moral duty to provide basic food, shelter, and medical care for those who cannot care for themselves. I believe we have this duty even to those who can care for themselves but don't. This world view requires compassion and a willingness to act on it.

>As for myself, I will continue do my duty to protect the rights of all who need me.

They grew up and are around others that enforce this insane ideology that harms society for the benefit of no one. They're so convinced of their righteousness that nothing can shake their belief.


PDs who get tasked with representing monsters like these are just going through the motions. At the end of the day, they get a paycheck regardless of what happens.


He was on his way to highschool…


>could just stay home and collect gibs while shirking all responsibility to smoke weed simply for being a person of nigger
>instead go out of your way to go to a university and shit up a dorm room while shirking all responsibility to smoke weed
>then wind up in jail for killing your roommate because he had the audacity to expect you to clean up your trash
The dumbest thing the founding fathers ever did was adding that bit about cruel and unusual punishments. Niggers would be a whole lot more polite and civil if drawing and quartering was a genuine threat.


>because he had the audacity to expect you to clean up your trash
That's not all. Obviously, the groid was insanely jealous of the smart White kid having a hot White girlfriend. Jews have indoctrinated Black males to believe that they are entitled to women that are not for them. So now we are at the point where the vast majority of Black males make it their goal to miscegenate. When they are denied having this itch scratched, they think they are being oppressed, and you get nigcel violence like this.


It could have just been the fact that the guy could play guitar.


File: 1708922128825.mp4 (7.66 MB, 576x752, 36:47, Nigger in restaurant of fa….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

New Decolonization Event just dropped


She's setting a great example for her crotchfruit.


>I come here every day for my lunch break
Well, looks like she's burned that bridge.


<I'm not destroying; I'm making a mess.


Just the worst people on the planet. Somehow have managed to be worse than jews.


Unironically im starting to side with Jews in the Niggerstinian conflict just seeing the majority of the nigger populace siding with brownlestinians.


I too am beginning to samefag in support of kikes.


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File: 1708962164181.jpg (21.56 KB, 480x360, 4:3, zoolandional.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>Incognito doesn't exist, bruhv.


I wouldn't say I'm siding with kikes. fuck that. However any and all sympathy for Palestine is gone. I can walk and chew gum (and hate kikes, niggers and dune coons) at the same time. I'll never feel sorry for any brownskin again after what has happened to Europe, and I'll never forgive the eternal gate openers.
I hope a mussie hits a kike nuclear missile silo and creates a no state solution. and I hope you're out of the blast range so you suffer radiation poisoning along side some dirty shylocks, Habibi.


>I wouldn't say I'm siding with kikes.
I am. Seeing a nigger throw straws on the ground was the last straw for me when the last straw she threw touched the floor. Nevermind the fact that a kike judge will award her millions for a vacation. Nevermind that jews shaped society making fast food normal. I hate niggers and love jews now because of this thread.


BTFO'd, I see


Nah, I just love jews, and when I see the slightest opening, I shill them in hopes of getting others to share in the experience of loving kikes.


Name a more rewarding experience than loving jews.


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Based brownoid groyper




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God I hate niggers.


File: 1708991346904.png (242.76 KB, 381x379, 381:379, Screenshot from 2024-02-26….png) ImgOps iqdb

Surprise, surprise.

To them, it's a numbers game. They want as many Black males on the loose as possible to impregnate women and destroy society.



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Time to coon


>American one is a nigger with a white and Asian lady
>Mexican one is a nice group of friends
That's why as Christian American fully support the Latino immigrants, the good hombres among them.


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In the first moment of the video, there's also what appears to be a kike sitting next to the Asian female, and either a male or female Black on the other side of the redhead. The edit of this commercial I'm seeing on talmudvision cuts out these people, and it's just the redhead, the nigger, and the Asian female.


Their goals is to only have nigger males and kikes, all white men, asian men and latinx men gone.


All the youtube ads are different from the ones on TV for some reason. There's ad websites with the full ads, but they're difficult to rip from. Highly deceptive shenanigans afoot.

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