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File: 1708749371935.png (16.99 KB, 255x206, 255:206, d5eb4314309e2cc80b06e8e606….png) ImgOps iqdb


>$8.99 large 1-topping pizza deal
>oh but it's too late for carryout
>oh but it's $15 minimum order for delivery, not counting tax, tip or delivery fee
>adding a second pizza brings the total to $24, including a $5 delivery fee and tax
>adding a decent tip will bring it up to $30
>tfw all I wanted was my $9 pizza


two pizzas are better than one tho.
put different topping on each and stack one of each slice like a sammich. i'm trying to bulk up and copying amerifat culture.


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>i'm trying to bulk up and copying amerifat culture.
I hope you've got an industrial-strength toilet.


It's called ZOG.


Update, I got my pizza, but I added another topping and it still came to $13 and change with tax. It's like frickin' $3 for a topping now. I could've bought a whole pineapple for that.


You gotta cook your own food these days.


Yeah, even if I bought the dough and sauce premade, it would still be cheaper.


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Here's your Cowboys Unlimited Combo
Large Papa John's Pizza plus two liter pepsi, for $10.99


Pretty good deal. I can't remember the last time I had a supreme pizza. They're just too expensive.


>I can't afford goyslop.
You aren't a >dajooos baby poster by chance are you


What kind of projection is this? There is a thread up right now with joosbabies complaining they are jobless lmao


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>They expect one of us in the wreckage, brother.
Said so often, you'd think Hogan was jewish.


Okay cool cool when are you getting a job and a girlfriend?


You first, incel.


It was a blatant guess. I didn't think I would have bullseyed you so hard I broke the dartboard.


It was actually a shitpost, and you were like "So what if I'm jewish." kek what the FUCK


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Project harder

You are mentally broken, same 1 post everyday blaming the jews for your pathetic life for scraps of dopamine, jews didn't force you to be a fat virginal unemployed loser

picrel your future home!


based kike


I can afford it, I just think it's foolish to spend $20+ on a pizza. That's why I only get specials.


I broke my oven baking homemade pizza too often, and then I fixed it myself because I can't afford to have pizza made for me.
It was a fucked up solder joint on the control board, probably from too many max temp cycles. $0.05 worth of flux and solder did it


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>Ramon-run internment camps

Based and Ramonpilled

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