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>tfw I fell into one of those tranny gamer circles, and they're all so nice, and I realised this is what I wanted all along
You assholes literally ruined my life.


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Invite plz, I want to join too


Trannies are spiteful and vindictive toward anyone who rubs them the wrong way. Don't fall for love bombing tactics.


So not like people on the "based" parts of the internet at all.
Absolutely no one here is trapped in an endless cycle of trying to tear each other down. We're the heartiest comrades that ever were!

I fucking hate all of you. I really do.
I want you to apologise for everything you've done.


The future of white race is being a based trans who slays lots of Asian and ebony pussy.


>So not like people on the "based" parts of the internet at all.
Trannies go well beyond that. Look at all the effort trannies have put into trying to take down the Foxdick Farms for exposing their misdeeds.


Stop posting in this buttfucking thread.


I'd take down KF too. It's a cesspit.


As insufferable as the Foxdick crowd can be, the place is still better than most of the Internet. Even so, I still wouldn't post there with your dick.


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Trannies are known for rolling with the punches and welcome with open arms disgraced punks in their Discord server.


Yeah, that's how they got in bed with kikes that trooned them out.


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>Stop posting in this buttfucking thread.


I'll be real with you bros, I might be a bit gay, and I think I pushed it down inside me somewhere, and I think the trannies are helping me to see that. Because they look like women, superficially, and that breaks through the defences, but there's there's that extra something there.
It's better than a real women. It's more robust and firey. It doesn't have that irritating flakiness about it. It doesn't say "nur nur nur, stop having fun. Pick up those things! Stop trying to fuck me", it says "I'm going to fuck YOU", and I think I like that.


Come on, man…


No you didn't, and no I didn't.


Yeah tranny discord cliques are designed to do that to you. They get off on spreading their fetish to others, so they like to gaslight normal people into becoming trannies. Pretty soon they'll be telling you that you're an "egg," a closet tranny in denial, and that you've always been an "egg." You should really get out of there before they convince you to do something you can never undo.


Whatever you do, don't fall for their mind games. I've basically been bisexual and partially autogynephilic since my teenage years, but I stay the hell away from tranny groups because I know that they attract predatory people who don't have anyone's best interests in mind. Alarm bells should be ringing inside your head any time you see them trying to normalize mutilating your body, pumping yourself full of hormones that you shouldn't be taking, and pushing their malicious agenda onto the most vulnerable members of society.


I already cut my dick off, and it feels great.


>Noooo! """"they"""" are trying to trick you!!!!
Cope. You're two goblins in the most pointless and miserable corner of the internet, and you need to feel like someone is worse than you.
How many "friends" have you fucked over for a quick laugh over the years? How many literal Pedophiles do you rub shoulders with and enable on a daily basis, while probably not even thinking it's a problem?
You're not remotely good people. You don't have a leg to stand on. I'd rather be around people who are at least nice, and still capable of having fun sometimes.


I don't care. You save it. Save it by posting on Kiwi Farms. I'm sure you're doing a great job.
Fucking degenerates.


>How many "friends" have you fucked over for a quick laugh over the years? How many literal Pedophiles do you rub shoulders with and enable on a daily basis, while probably not even thinking it's a problem?
Uh, zero? What a bizarre thing to ask. Obviously something happened to you and now you're craving validation, but man, you should be wary of people who seem too eager to give you that validation.


And now we're into the feigning ignorance over what people are like in these spheres of the internet part of the conversation.
If people here, or on Kiwi Farms had a chance to stalk me, and fuck up my life, they would do it in about five seconds, because it's what they're like. And then they would probably find some way to insist that it was actually my fault and I was asking for it.

I've seen how you descend on people. How you're constantly seeking the next "cow", because you need it. The only thing most of those people do wrong is being on the autistic spectrum, and lacking some degree of social awareness. I like them more than I like you, because they're real people, and they're not mean like you are.

But nah, the bad people are in these "tranny discords", that you mysteriously can't name, because you've never actually been on them.
Every social group you aren't a part of is obviously morally repugnant, malicious, and trying to tear apart the fabric of society, but the groups you are a part of definitely aren't that, even though they center around psychopaths who torture retards for fun.


Can you stop spamming cp? For real, get a fucking life, you fucking loser pedo mexican.


100% this thread was made by somebody from Soyjack.party.


Let's bump it!


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>kiwi farms

How are those faggots doing these days?


Tvchan isn't /cow/. Tvchan isn't KF. And even if it were, you've essentially walked out in front of me with a loaded gun and started bragging about how you're going to shoot yourself. Of course I'm going to try to talk you out of it. You seem to think that if you can convince yourself that this place is bad, then trannies must be good. How many leaks from tranny discords about them grooming, blackmailing, and selling bathtub drugs to kids will it take for you to understand? Since you hate doxing and e-stalking so much, how many times do tranny twitter brigades need to engage in that exact same behavior for you to understand? These are dangerous people. Dangerous to you, personally.

Listen, Anon, nobody on this site is new. How long have we been posting together? Eight years? Nine? We're all anonymous here, I don't know you. Therefore, I can't actually claim to care about you. But if you're going to threaten to destroy yourself right in front of me, I claim some right to object on the basis of your own well being. You seem to think my objection to trannies is about society. Forget about society, it's a lost cause. You, however, are not. Maybe you're fed up with the webring. That's fine, feel free to move on to bigger and better things. But not this. If you continue on like this, then at best you'll get burned again. At worst, you'll turn into a monster. I mean, for fuck's sake, can't you just find a hobby instead?


What you don't understand is they're actually nicer people than you. And they're funnier, more interesting, more intelligent in a lot of ways.
You're desperate to find an excuse to pretend there's something sinister about them, when there just isn't. There's something sinister about this place though. There's nothing here but meanness, and accusation, and a tearing down of anything you can get a firm grasp on.

And I tell you I'm done, and immediately you try to fear-monger, and tell me it's actually everyone else who's bad. That's what cults do.


Why are you pushing this troon shit on us
Nobody is going to believe it.
Just because you succumbed to these tactics that you're using doesn't mean we will.


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I only need one.


Whatever you say dude. Try asking your new e-buddies what they think about keffal's catboy ranch. Or otokonoko pharmaceuticals. You know, the people who boil plastic bags and sell the resulting mixture of water and melted plastic to children, promising them that it's hormones that'll turn them into anime girls. Personally, I've never seen a single tranny with anything negative to say on selling bathtub hormones to kids. Maybe your discord trannies are different though, since they're apparently such good, nice people. It's worth checking. See if even a single one of them condemns this shit.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Remember: When (((they))) get caught they're the victims, not their prey.


I sincerely hope this is bait. If it isn't, don't throw your life and your cock away to a tranny cult.


Of course it's fucking bait.


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>Absolutely no one here is trapped in an endless cycle of trying to tear each other down.
<he says, tearing other users down completely unprompted



The bait thread that brought in Dolphin /tardphin


Because you need to hear it.
>but you live in a society. How curious!


The only thing I need to hear is loli buttcheeks plapping against my thighs


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>You're two goblins in the most pointless and miserable corner of the internet, and you need to feel like someone is worse than you.
If you hate this place so much, go hang out with your friends in the tranny cabal.
>You're not remotely good people.
And yet antisocial groomers are? You're either retarded or trolling.
>Save it by posting on Kiwi Farms. I'm sure you're doing a great job.
Like I said, I only lurk there.
Huff a tailpipe.


kys faggot essayfag






>antisocial groomers
That's you.
The ones of you who aren't literally pedophiles are still complicit in a culture of abuse and manipulation of people who aren't mentally well, and you know you're doing it.

I don't see how you think you have a leg to stand on.


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>That's you.
Sure thing.
>The ones of you who aren't literally pedophiles
I'm against pedophilia, and yet you're endorsing a group well known for being twisted freaks who take advantage of lonely and impressionable people. Particular underaged ones.
>are still complicit in a culture of abuse and manipulation of people who aren't mentally well, and you know you're doing it.
More projection.


"well known" because you cherry pick and make up stories, so you can feel like someone else out there is worse than you.
Meanwhile actual CP is dumped on this site every day, and you think it's funny

>who take advantage of lonely and impressionable people. Particular underaged ones.

You do that too. You love taking people who are only really socially awkward and unhappy, and filling their heads with all kinds of ideas that only furthers their social alienation from the rest of the world. You think it's funny when someone who was more or less normal once, goes out and shoots up a supermarket, and then you feign ignorance as to who egged him on, and why that happened.


So… you're just going to samefag this thread huh


What's your point?


Bryan won.


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>"well known" because you cherry pick and make up stories, so you can feel like someone else out there is worse than you.
Nothing I've said is cherry picked or made up. It seems to me the reason you've got your panties in a bunch over the Foxdicks isn't for any of the legitimate reasons but because of the way they document the kind of things your butt buddies get up to.
>Meanwhile actual CP is dumped on this site every day, and you think it's funny
Why would I think a problem like that is funny?
>You do that too. You love taking people who are only really socially awkward and unhappy, and filling their heads with all kinds of ideas that only furthers their social alienation from the rest of the world. You think it's funny when someone who was more or less normal once, goes out and shoots up a supermarket, and then you feign ignorance as to who egged him on, and why that happened.
Even more projection.




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>Meanwhile actual CP is dumped on this site every day, and you think it's funny
Why don't you tell the whole truth that this is the work of jews in Israel? When the lights went down in Tel Aviv, the CP spam and the nigger dick spam ceased, for days. No one cares. Jews gonna jew, jannies clean it up. Rinse, repeat.
>You think it's funny when someone who was more or less normal once, goes out and shoots up a supermarket, and then you feign ignorance as to who egged him on, and why that happened.
We don't encourage violence here. It's actually against the rules.


It's "against the rules", except you all still take part in it, sure.
And that weird stuff definitely isn't being posted by Gahoole's friends, who are all podophiles. No it's always some shadowy cabal of outsiders.


>It's "against the rules", except you all still take part in it, sure.
We must be talking about different sites, because I don't see any posts inciting violence.
>And that weird stuff definitely isn't being posted by Gahoole's friends, who are all podophiles. No it's always some shadowy cabal of outsiders.
Thing is, there were rumblings for many years that jews in Yidsrael were doing the CP spam on these. When the lights went down in Tel Aviv, and the spam stopped, then, resumed when the lights came back on, it was all but confirmed.

Yidsrael is a criminal haven. What better way to attack the few Internet spaces left that they don't have a stranglehold upon, than by spamming the digital equivalent of WMDs, in order to attract the attention of law enforcement? It's a terroristic tactic similar to swatting.

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