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File: 1710229821934.png (Spoiler Image, 1.8 MB, 1250x1000, 5:4, kagney linn karter.png) ImgOps iqdb



No one basically has expendible money to fuck these women
I wish I saved the screenshot from the reddit escort page talking about how many women were retiring from escorting in 2024 because the business has dried up from how shitty the economy is.

No one basically has expendible money to fuck these women anymore. If they do, they aren't travelling. People don't want to deal with DEI hire pilots, Palestine protests at the airport, stepping over migrants to get out of the airport, being kicked out of your hotel because migrants got your room, etc.

So as a result women like Kagney who have hit the wall and gotten fat have no livelihood anymore. As 80% of America is living paycheck to paycheck the first thing they are going to cut out is the 8 dollar a month onlyfans subscriptions.

As a result we are seeing an uptick in porn suicides.
Because the porn industry is dead too.

>Found the page



Is this pasta


Onlyfans jumped the shark when they disallowed downloading.

Sure, you can still figure out how to download the videos on the computer, but I miss the convenience of downloading them to the phone, since that's the device I normally use for sessions.


Inflation will collapse everything. OF whores going the way of the Dodo.


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coomer shows she has literally zero nudes
not only did they pay her money, they did so with zero nudes
these men unironically have to be thrown into siberian labor camps to die


>only fans takes less money per purchase than google, apple, or steam
it's fucked


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I just wanted to bring to your attention that the Indians make up the majority of these groups. That's right they have the biggest "Incel" community and Onlyfans subs via VPN. They are a radical two-face community. They steal the money from your grandparents and funnel it to their favorite onlyfans thot.

When the fake monetary relationship goes no where they get piss and try to shit on women. They with their border brothers make up 60% of the internet males duping clueless women that all men are all the same. There actions also affect IRL where ever they are at.

Although they are the majority part of the "Incel" community they are not true virgins since some are married and most rape to satisfy their urges. The most important thing about this is that Journalists like to use this derelict group to slander a certain other group of people.

Pic from instagram video, You don't hear /pol/ talking about female chads and incels. When I see a female chad in real life I remember her for days. When I see a female incel I am disgusted by her and embarrassed by being near her. When I see a female normie I don't give a shit but can get feelings if we are forced to hang out alot.
Looks really matter for women but we don't really talk about the implications here.


Ah, the fabled garage pic. Exotic locations for homestuck thots.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Looks really matter for women but we don't really talk about the implications here.
If looks mattered that much, there wouldn't be so many of them fucking niggers.


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She took bbc in saudi arabia and now she found the rich gamer cuck



We have Belle Delphine at home


Belle delphine is boomer tier


Do you mean her star has faded or that she is for boomers


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Her father is based


Nudity isn't everything.


im spaghetti


Why would you pay to see some clothed whore prattle on about her stupid bullshit? If you have enough social skills to get a job that enables you to pay for that kind of stupid shit then you have enough social skills to go listen to any hole's ramblings.


I don't know that particular whore, but speaking from my personal experience, I subscribe to one who specializes in twerking. I've been following her for about a decade, first she was the leader of a twerk troupe on YouTube, then she spun off and did her own thing on OnlyFans. Some men get more aroused by non-nude fetishism than from nudity.


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