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File: 1710474575306.mp4 (20.66 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Balloon.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


ITT We discuss the seriousness and severity of PTSD for veterans returning from war and the troubles they have to endure in daily life.


Do you have PTSD?


huh? no
Just thought it was n interesting topic


Wow she is really cute.
I don't thin this is a good ASMR video though.
That static balloon rubbing noise hurts the ears.




I guarantee you a good 99 percent of it is exaggerated bullshit to get (even more) gibs from uncle sambo. Nobody's a bigger welfare queen than an american veteran and being able to add "drama queen" on top of that is irresistable to the type of brave man and woman in uniform that serves the jews.


You think you are hard man?


It's why so many black soldiers died in 'nam.

When the sergeant said get down, they all got up and started dancing.




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Oh cool cool so you want to say that to a marines face right? You say it with such conviction on the imageboard tvchan.moe then surely you will want to say the exact same thing to the face of a six foot three strapped marine with years of intense training and a hair trigger temper from his PTSD? Or are you just a little joosbaby keyboard warrior coward who will cry about dajoos and Putin and the chadxxine on the interwebs but never confront anything on anyone IRL because he's a scared little baby who will never show his fat little face in real life? Yeah I think its that one


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Words in front of a screen can kill more than a 9mm.

<Seething Gahoole's
Wow man, not funny when the kewl kid becomes the butt of the joke.


>unironic say that to my face fucker not online
As a veteran myself, kill yourself.


Are you a Person That Shot Dunecoons?


No. Like most military personnel, I got paid to sit on my ass doing nothing for sixteen hours a day. 99% of veterans deserve zero respect.


Oh, you're that guy.


Wasn't funny when Sam Hyde did it, was even less funny when gahoole ripped it off, it's negative funny when you do it.


I am talking about people who saw combat and went through hardships, not geeky boy who runs the servers or whatever shit you did. Sit down

It's not a joke imagine being a fat keyboard warrior on this site and shit talking military… most of them don't even have jobs and are fat as fuck, even the lowest meathead grunt is worth 100x them, but they think they are better for some reason…


>I am talking about people who saw combat and went through hardships
Oh so standing around with a rifle doing nothing for four hours a day. So heroic, thank you for your service, brave crayon eater.


File: 1710988330393.jpg (122.36 KB, 640x1515, 128:303, dupped WW2 veteran.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

And yet one has to wonder what went wrong with this country.


They don't want people that leave the military to return to society rehabilitated. The suicide count is high because it's preferred. They even prefer to pay people UBI (disability) for them to not return.


>disability is UBI
UBI means Universal Basic Income, which means "for everybody." Disability is for disabled persons who meet certain criteria.

Section 8 or food stamps would be more analogous to UBI than disability, but not really because they're not universal programs.


Being in the military gives you access to socialized medicine and all other socialism benefits. It's essentially UBI if you are from that society.


The military also feeds and houses its personnel. In that regard, it's like socialism. However, all these things are benefits which are part of a contract, they are received in exchange for their service. UBI is something different, it is money given to everybody of a city or state for just existing.

The Alaska Permanent Fund, for example, is more akin to UBI. It's a check, meager as it is, given to every Alaskan by the state just for residing there.

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