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How can I find non-kike'd black metal bands from the past 20 years? I say the past 20 because the sound quality is so much better.
No Varg because I think the guy is hugely overrated.




Also, we've got a music board. >>>/ost/


File: 1710623217538.png (1.15 MB, 1400x700, 2:1, burzumbiggestfan.png) ImgOps iqdb

How can you hate bumfun… erm, I mean burzum. They are all cool tough guys especially varg who loves to kill bunny rabbits and destroy churches where little old grannies go on sunday mornings. And of course the ultimate METAL moment, having a tantrum and killing your boyfriend because you had a gay boy lovers spat


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>I say the past 20 because the sound quality is so much better.
"Better" sound is worse for black metal.


I've yet to hear any metal as loud, massive, and furious as Drautran. It makes me want to get up and kick ass. Too much black metal is merely depressing.
What are some other bands that sound like Drautran?


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>What are some other bands that sound like Drautran?
No idea. I'm at the point with metal where I pretty much just stick to what I know now.

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