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File: 1710824114694.png (Spoiler Image, 89.59 KB, 1104x793, 1104:793, bpc.png) ImgOps iqdb


>browsing the medicine aisle at the gas station
>notice the condoms
>out of 6 pegs, 5 of them are Trojan "Magnum" variants, and one is Trojan Ultra Thin

Does selling extra large condoms to the vast majority of men who have dicks under 6" make them feel better about themselves? I'm trying to understand their angle.


Condoms are awful. You can't feel the pussy at all and it's like your dick is stuck in a balloon.

Know what's funny? The first and only condom I ever used was black lmao.

Flashlights suck too. They don't feel like a pussy. It feels like you're fucking jello. Pretty much every masturbation toy sucks. Nothing beats a good old dress sock.


Wtf is BPC?


Magnums are for girth. I can't use regular condoms not because of length but because I tear the sides.


>t. alpha chad with a horsecock who is drowning in pussy yet also frequents tvch


Well played, troon.


heh yeah i own the cis males


>I can't use regular condoms not because of length but because I tear the sides.
Use lube.


Americans buy more car than they need, they buy more computer than they need, and they buy more house than they need. Why would condoms be any different?


HAHAHA Fucking based
You gott'em


I have girth but not length, and you don't have to be a chad to get laid, just not an insufferable social pariah. Sorry about your social issues.


hahaha fucking based
you won the culture war


It's not about me, you made the claim that you have an extra large cock requiring a Magnum, and there's no reason to believe you. People make all kinds of baseless claims about their sexual prowess when they're anonymous. This has been going on since the dawn of the net.


My cock is five inches on the dot.


File: 1710894932709.jpg (176.97 KB, 812x686, 58:49, b94.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

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