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File: 1711842328068.jpg (94.42 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, ate_most_of_it.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Dad, if I can't eat it all can I just spit it out?…


if you didn't plan on eating it why did you put it in your mouth
mcdonald's isn't free you dumb bitch


You should be a good girl for daddy and swallow, but if you want to spit it out, spit it onto your chest and massage it into your tits because that's hot too.

PS - Don't tell your mom about this.


File: 1711948396540.mp4 (4.58 MB, 304x640, 19:40, Puff Daddy adopts a white ….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Just adopt one, you fucking moron.


Who is she? She has nice tits.


The white race is humiliated and cucked. Niggers adopt white girls into sex slavery. The KKK is needed.


my god that's hot




File: 1712006427859.png (612.51 KB, 854x686, 61:49, blacked future.png) ImgOps iqdb



This will probably happen but across the whole US.


A small number of White chads will be kept as studs for breeding snowbunnies.


Lily Kruk

She just turned eighteen.


File: 1712020128959.jpg (134.73 KB, 750x750, 1:1, itrTwy7.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Makes my BWC stand up.


I wonder if the government would let a single white dude adopt a teen?
"Oh, why hello sir…what? You want to adopt this prime nubile pussy that you surely won't violate with your BWC? Why of course! Sign here."


There were some things taken out of the Greek Bible when it was translated, among them being that this world will fall under Satan's rule, and every day it becomes more apparent.


If only


>P Diddy, I juss luvved yo sawng when I wuz in high skoo. I dansed to it and we wuz grajiated wif it when we wuz walkin dawn da ylle n sheeit. Damn right I stamp yo shit, nigga. I luvvs you, dawg


File: 1712026062982.png (648.48 KB, 1172x590, 586:295, CHUGGING.png) ImgOps iqdb

>P Diddy getting arrested and his Epstein tier blackmail scam dominating pop culture and politicians (CULTURE) is ending.
Yeah, it sounds like the debil is gaining power.


Diddy hasn't been arrested yet.


He's literally in prison.
Gamergate 2 won.


>He's literally in prison.
Nope, and he probably won't ever be, because his dawg Barack holds a lot of sway over this government.


His faggot chef died from drowning. Obama too deep in mourning still to care about P duddy.

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