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What should I spend my zogbucks on this month?

Pics unrelated.


A new fleshlight. Maybe an Onlyfans subscription?


I have never used a fleshlight.

I do have one Onlyfans subscription which sates my fetish. I don't wish to add more.


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I really want to get some pure cocaine, but it's so dangerous these days, they're trying to kill everybody with fentanyl. I thought about maybe visiting Peru, but that has its own risks.


What about just the leafs


I was being sarcastic.




Why not just make your own meth? Cocaine is gay and overly expensive for what it does and only lasts a very short while.


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Coca leaves are legal to buy there, they get you high, but it's not the same.
I figured, but I played along with it.
What kind of goo?
>Why not just make your own meth?
I don't have a basement and I'm afraid of getting pinched.
>Cocaine is gay and overly expensive for what it does and only lasts a very short while.
When compared to the cost of alcohol or other drugs I think it's a fair deal. I can afford it, it's just the whole supply chain has been fucked with fentanyl.


Get a blu ray player. You need to stock up on what physical media remains while you can.


>while you can
What did he mean by this?


When physical media is gone the ones who operate streaming services can retroactively censor everything to their hearts' content, and there's no guarantee piracy will save everything you like before that happens.


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You should buy a prince albert piercing. If you already have one like me you should buy a fun new type of jewelry for it.




I have already anticipated this, I'm building up my library of thousands of films, and I've invested in multiple backup hard drives.



What did you spend it on


backup drive, vidya and movie tickets


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