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File: 1712190942238.png (1.04 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 98728958_p0.png) ImgOps iqdb




Cuckime BTFO




File: 1712194102547.jpg (231.13 KB, 700x622, 350:311, 5132-ridge-racer-7-old-ful….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Amy Elizabeth Thorpe has a majority share of this body. The names collide in Orion. Charles-Emmanuel did me in with the name change order. Thorpes ghost proceeded to take over much work. Thorpe polarizes against the other Elizabeth. My heart was designed to fail much like Goggins, such is the nature of enslaved genes. So many holes in the gravitational field. Thorpe has me running on automatic. She puts all of my social memory on diplomats because she can't do anything else. There is her disclosure. Some analysts run half dead, and the soul leaks out into the Inner Planes. Analysts were angels on Mars. I can barely support Elizabeth proper without the spy material that fed on her life. The spies sexually owned most of the soul.


I really want to beat to death all the cucknime and troonime faggots.


File: 1712369505828.jpg (1.46 MB, 2000x2838, 1000:1419, 116680768_p0.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Felt cute might kys myself later.


Leave the tea poster alone.


File: 1712378921760.jpg (147.8 KB, 777x1232, 111:176, 1459af8b4eab94ae4c98d2f96b….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Swiping on Grindr.


Kill yourself, tranny.


Why don't you get my jokes? Are you subhuman?


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Taking a Grindr peepee up my buttpussy.


You cut off your dick, man. Your whole life is a joke.


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>My truck has 6 wheels.
How much bigger did it make your dick when you bought it.


>post cucktoon girl pic
>say "drinking tea" a few times
>fags' colons prolapse in fury
>they post cucktoon girl pics
>say "tranny tranny dick chop kys"
What is it in you peoples' brains that causes this reaction?




Makes you angry


Which jokes? Posting cucknime shit and acting as a discord subhuman?


>no u mad
You fags really are just mexicans eeking and ooking for any reason aren't you? Go to a gym or something.


ow fuck you won
ow fuck you won


I'm not sure but these fags' asshurt is amazingly hilarious. Hope that fag keeps posting about tea time, he's a god for making a bunch of spergs on a dead board mad.


The ones going over your head, retard.
Thanks for confirming.


This isn't discord, like the wise Weasel say. There's no need of you making four different posts in the same thread on after the other. Fucking Jesus!


Coping with tea.


>Appealing to moderation
Teahavers keep winning.


Made tea, drank it. It was tea-riffic.

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