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Fascinating Boater incident.
Normally they have 75 IQ, but this one seems to have 80, and his friends have 85.


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>Work hard.
>Succeed at life.
>Get the girl.
>Have friends.
>Have sex.
>Have fun.
>Cops ruin your fucking life because you enjoyed it too much.


Cop gives jewish sobriety test that is impossible to follow
Sitting there for hours as the sun goes down
One test has 8 steps
Cop can't even say the full explanation without stuttering or swatting bugs off his face
Guy is exhausted from having to try and figure out what the fuck is expected of him.
Immediately gets handcuffed when fails.

The way these tests are designed is the cop reads the sheet and demonstrates and asks "Do you understand?" If you say yes, then you cannot fail at any point while demonstrating the steps. If you do, because you said you understand the steps, you are considered drunk beyond safety operating limits.
The cop is not allowed to interpret what he sees. His job is to coax you into compliance until you're trapped by a designed system.


Alcohol is for losers. When you go out and drink, it just gives pigs a leg up on you. Teetotalism is very liberating, you can actually go places and not worry about getting pinched if you follow the traffic laws. If you must drink, do it at home.


>t. expert life enjoyer


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Shrunk it.


This is E. Michael Jones tier.
>Owning a gun just gives cops permission to kill you.


>posted from a basement




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No good comes from going out and drinking. Pigs watch the bars, they watch the waterways. For them, it's like shooting fish in a barrel. They know that all they have to do is lurk for a while, and some sap who thought it was a good idea to pay a 5x markup for alcohol at the bar, so he could impress his friends or some foid, will fall into their trap. They can pull you over for any reason they make up, and once the jewish charades begin, you're screwed.

Did you notice the irony revealed in this video? They're playing jewish charades with the boater behind the bar, meanwhile everybody inside is getting sloshed, and most of those people will be taking their own vehicles home.


>No good comes from going out and drinking.
That's not a good thing. Life should be fun.

Boat fines are probably better revenue for the police corporation.


>Boat fines are probably better revenue for the police corporation.
Probably. It also seems there was a dick or snitch in that bar, because it looked like they had just docked the boat and the waterpigs were there immediately.


How is that guy going to enjoy his boat again after that?
Everybody is made bitter by that situation.
A bunch of people hate cops now, especially after seeing the video.
The business owner is likely going to get fed up at some point for cops camping the location.
You really have to call cops out on their initial approach because it's all planned tricks.
When he asked if he'd walk back with him to check the registration, when he said yes, just let me get my shoes, it was over for him. He was going to jail no matter what. If he would have said no, I'll wait for you to bring my ID back, or even more clever would have been to say, "But you said you can see that it's registered."
You have to basically be jacked on speed or caffeine to be able to counter their bullshit because it is programmed into them by sophisticated training programs designed by people with a deep understanding of human psychology, refined by nationwide or even worldwide trial and error.


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Cops are such assholes. It's amazing.


>I smell alcohol in the boat.
It's like the cop has to give himself permission on the body cam to arrest the guy.
At no point is the cop thinking about whether or not the guy is safe to drive the boat. He's just trying to trap him for revenue.


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in the 90s this wasnt a fucking problem.


9/11 killed the USA


*The last remains


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>>posted from a basement


Coddled chinless faggot with a squeaky voice can't drink because his mommy won't ley him so he needs to call everyone he dislikes a tranny.

Get our of your basement.


Speaking of booze, man I need a good drink.


The civil war killed the USA, 9/11 just made it even more obvious that "letting the feds do literally whatever they want with no oversight whatsoever" is actually a really shit way to run a country this big


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>Speaking of booze, man I need a good drink.
Bottom's up


German having a picnic in 2020


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>German having a picnic in 2020
You have the sight?

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