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You need THERAPY!


Absolute I do, yes, but psychiatrists are all glowie kikes and if I go to see anyone they'll take away my guns.


Reddit literally tells you to get therapy if you rock the boat on their faggot ass website.


Being "reddit" just means you have canned responses that are used way too often by dumb people that can't think about what is being said or what they could say in response. That's what makes them NPCs.


Kind of like OP at this point.


>heh ur actually Reddit
Fuck you.


what I need rn is steak and potatoes. Brb, gonna make some


>smart enough to know about the kikeiatry scam
>need therapy
Pick one.


Fucking Niggers ruined reddit.


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If you don't have one of these, you ain't cool.


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But have you been device banned?


>He made an account
lmao, even when I was a dumbass teen I never used leddit.
Fucking shithole since day one just like Faceberg.


When were you a dumbass teen


Early mid 2000s


Reddit was good before the creator got suicided.
It's the first place I saw a helicopter decapitation vid.


Reddit was good about 12 years ago before they purged all the jailbait boards. It used to be a platform that respected free speech, and wasn't politically monolithic.


r/Atheism and r/LolisHandleBBC used to be my favorite subreddits! I miss these times, I'm proud of being a oldfag from reddit.


If you weren't a newfag you would've namedropped /r/picsofdeadkids


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Too many wrong thinkers, not enough downvotes


Based, reddit is better than all alternative imageboards


Do the trannies even allow gore on the site? As far as I can tell Reddit is literally 100% kike'd by leftist soyim.


If you're a bottom-feeding retard.


You have to be a bottom-feeding retard to use altchans anyways.


You can't even gib sauce to an onlyfans whore if she isn't a verified poster. You can't attach any name or name the girl in comments.


Places like the webring, soyjak, spanish or polish imageboards ARE the abyss full of bottom-feeding losers. Reddit is their own garbage niche, but way above us.


Na they will actually poison you and torture you with kike drugs.


Stop fuckin baiting


Then fuck off back to Reddit.


Nah, I'll choose to stay here and annoy you


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Is this satire?


I guess.


The only okay opinion in this entire pathetic rant is the car dependence.


"Car dependence" is economically poor cope.


>anti farming

I too want to just eat air


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>farming is one of the biggest causes of greenhouse gases
It's also why your fatass is alive at all and posting stupid shit on the internet.
This has to be a troll.


It actually does suck because owning a car means you have to deal with the jewiest shit imaginable (insurance, registration, emissions inspections depending on where you live etc.) but there's such tremendous swathes of farmland and nothingness in rural America that other forms of transportation are pretty unfeasible for most people.


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t. muttmerican
see >>144595
Want to know another place very similar to american in all aspects, including over use of cars? Brazil.
Meanwhile, in Japan and Europe….


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You've obviously never been to USA nor Brasil. lol
Japan has millions of people in a country the size of California.
Insurance, registration, emissions, planned obsolescense maintenance, and warranties are the worst things you can possibly imagine, and yet people are still willing to put up with them because owning a car is just that damn good of a feeling.

you will never drive through the mountains
You will never drive through a tunnel of tree branches
You will never drive by the beach.
You will never experience speed at your own hand
You will never have the trust of other people's lives
You will never be getting more of….


Cars are good, urban forms being designed exclusively for cars alla american life is very bad


Is this English


Yeah, mass transit doesn't work in America. It gets infested with criminals and whackadoos, and zogbots arrest you for defending yourself or others.


Is there a massive car culture in Brazil? I thought they only had a tony handful of cities and most of the rest of the country was either thick jungle that you can barely even walk through or massive plains that no one lives in where the roads are barely traveled in general.


>tony handful
The most American thing about me is my fingers.


>Doesn't know borrowed words
Back to school, fool


What do jewish real estate scams have to do with owning a car


some american janny can't handle that is shithsole is way more close to another shithole than Japan or Europe
yeah, huezil is all about car culture just like muttmerica


Why are you seething about jannies randomly lol
People in Japan still have American cars from the 1950s. What the fuk are you talking about


Did you get fired or laid off from your job? or just have the day off


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Which site got emasculated fast? Both tumblr and reddit got clogged with so much cancer to the point of its userbase starting to believe the Internet Dead Theory.


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They both got hit at around the same time, reddit just got lots of garbage coming from 9GAG and Facebook.
Tumblr was always filled with mentally ill fucks, but most of them were just scene girls or artists before My Little Pony and all the tranny and political cancer started getting leeway into the inernet.
Both sites were always emasculated though, reddit was mostly college age millennial beta nerds and Tumblr was mostly scene girls, they were also some of the most smartphone compatible websites which didn't help that transition.

I'd say both started getting pure fucking cancer in 2010-2012 with Facebook, 9GAG, MLP and Smartphone (along with the rest of the internet).


I have a feeling the boston bomber thing is some sort of obfuscation of a conspiracy.


Now THAT's a 'we did it reddit'
I completely agree. Reddit can take plenty of punches to look stupid


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I'm getting more of a seared bite on the Impossible Whopper, than I'm getting on the actual Who- no no no no no no no no…. No please don't say that no no no… No. Nonononono. No no nono no no. NONO NO NONO NO NOOOOO. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not gonna trip. I wanted to come in a 100% hater.

I'mma tell you off the top. I wanted to take a bite of this and be like 'ehhh nah nah it it'- I'mma just flat out say it; your Impossible Whopper BK, IS BETTER THAN YOUR ACTUAL WHOPPER BK. YOUR IMPOSSIBLE WHOPPER BK IS BETTER THAN YOUR ACTUAL WHOPPER BK. IT HAS A MORE SEARED TASTE.

IT'S MORE OF A COOKOUT FLEX. IT JUST TASTES BETTER. Get over here. You get back in the bag. BK. That bite is so flavorful my m- and the fact that it works so well, it literally compliments the lettuce. Like I'm not even mad that I'm bittin' up, and I'm not even mad, that I'm eating lettuce right now and tomatoes.

You can really taste the onion because the sear, on this plant based situation right here, it's so strong and you barely get onion but the onion's there so you get a crunch off it, with soft bun action and SBA? BK, YOU'RE ONTO SOMETHING, AND I LIKE WHERE YOU, YOU GOIN' BK, THE IMPOSSIBLE WHOPPER SON


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Yet they kept on pushing for censorship because surprise surprise: Anyone has a different opinion, of course they started blaming capitalism once their echochambers became the equivalent of GG Allin's rottting corpse, can these dipshits get more dense?


This OC?


I don't know but I laughed a lot.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Found it, it's not
Still gud


I thought you were talking about the text. I kekked


Or is that the full transcript of the shit he says.
hahah I haven't watched it in so long


How is some nigger eating a sandwich funny to begin with?


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It's a transcription, but it is funny seeing it in text


Was this some kind of viral marketing gimmick


I'm getting more of a seared marketing gimmick


Mindlessly parroting fast food viral marketing spam bullshit is what we do best here on tvch, anon. Where have you been? Is this your first day here?

No pickles, please.


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Who do you think started mealposting?


I wish it was Travis Scott, since he's the first one I remember being posted on here. I know it isn't, but it would be beautiful to think so.


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Yeah that came out wrong. Jailbait is 18+ but yeah…
I don't mean reddit soured because jailbait got banned. I just remember it being some of the first to go. Actually I think gore subs were banned first, and jailbait stuck around for a long time. There were some periodically banned subs from I think 2006-20010 that just seemed like the site was changing.


>Yeah that came out wrong.
Are you trying to claim my post from a fortnight ago, or you don't remember that it wasn't you?
>Jailbait is 18+ but yeah…
I don't think that word means what you think it means.
>I don't mean reddit soured because jailbait got banned.
That's exactly when the site became pointless, for me. That was the signal that it was no longer a platform which respected free speech, and could acquiesce to the will of whatever the loudest voice was at any moment. It marked the beginning of the end of the old web.


yeah I thought it was me.
I thought jailbait implied they looked like they were under 18.


Now both sites demand you to create an account if you want to see their shit, desperate to get some real people browse their cesspools because they're filled to the top with scamming bots or bots with human flesh.


I think anyone who likes Reddit should die.

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