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I have run out of manga in my backlog. Anyone got any good recommendations?? Looking mostly for seinen but would take some high quality shonen as well.


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I don't know much about mango, but if you're into horror I'd recommend The Drifting Classroom if you haven't read it.


I finished reading it 2 months ago and it's not really worth it.
The pacing goes staright to shit once all the teachers are dead and the ending is just unsatisfying.

Thr concept is great but not used very well.
the mangaka also tries to shoehorn a last effort environmentalist message and it's really poorly done to the point of making me angry
I'd rec Death Star Remina instead for good apocalypse manga.


>the ending is just unsatisfying.
I agree with that. It was a letdown. I stilled like the series overall though.
>I'd rec Death Star Remina instead for good apocalypse manga.
I might have to check it out at some point. I still have to finish all the Tomie stories though. I bought Tombs recently and didn't really like most of the stories in there, but I remember liking the Tomie stories I've read in the past and ended up getting the hardcover release a while ago.


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If we're talking about cozy post-apocalyptic mangas, I'll recc Yokohama Shopping Trip. It's like Tarkovsky's quote about staring at fields of wheat made incarnate in a comic.

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