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File: 1713408040508.jpg (266.52 KB, 837x874, 837:874, f47780d5777f5d45fbdac182a5….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb



Her prime was only like 5 years



File: 1713408179011.webm (1.05 MB, 740x960, 37:48, Sabrina, The Teenage Witc….webm) ImgOps iqdb

Crunched the numbers

Alizee prime was 2000-2004 It's over


File: 1713408550793.jpg (113.48 KB, 975x783, 325:261, 1624057081700.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>Crunched the numbers
What is this, a cereal reference?


File: 1713410194683.png (10.13 KB, 298x250, 149:125, c8c1e71086afda31fdcb5c9467….png) ImgOps iqdb

Just going through my list of my 300 waifu's to find out who had the longest/best prime, the top 12 will make the pantheon, exciting stuff.


Did you even bother looking for a waifu, or did you just accept what was shit in your face


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My waifu's go back to the inception of Hollywood sir, it's impossible to have one waifu for all times, different era's call for different waifu's.

Everyone on my 300 list could be considered top 10 of their era/decade, I just have to go through the weeds.


Dude, it looks like her jeans are stuffed with cloth of some kind.


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Bloomers perhaps? Bardot had a nice ass.


kek you can see the gap between her hips and the towel like she's raising it up.
Man, how can you have this many hours of bitch staring and not learn the tricks of the trade


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>so addicted to tobacco that you'll even smoke lying down


>doesn't have the common decency to spoiler vomit for people who don't want to see it


haha he can't help it. He's brown skinned


Sorry I can't help it. The moment I think of that rank overpowering stench from a chain smoker I feel the urge to expel my lunch.


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>Can't appreciate wholesome healthy tobacco.
Nobody asked you to walk into a gas station bathroom, clown.


Your vice is a revolting habit and you're the only one who doesn't realize it.


Girls that smoke are hot deal with it fag


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I think women smoking is awful, but if you can't enjoy tobacco in the right setting, you're missing out.


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Show me a girl you think has a nice ass, no balls


File: 1713501576053.jpg (Spoiler Image, 313.7 KB, 1440x1800, 4:5, 1703554636863419.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

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