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File: 1713659661190.jpg (23.05 KB, 500x500, 1:1, apu pot leaf.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


happy birthday uncle adolf! is anyone else celibrating?


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Another glowie spamming thread.


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it's legal in 65% of the country nigger


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hyup. 2g concentrate cart and a 1/3 pint of Kessler's hwiskey


>smoke weed
>also support Hitler
Fuck black and white retards, kill the jews, smoke dank.


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420 being about pot is just another kike hoax, meant to overshadow Adolf Hitler's birthday while promoting hedonism.


>I'm gonna say it again and again and again
We all know. Weed all know…


I grow endo and throw romans


Inhale kush and stack bodies.


it's indo, as in "indoor". Nigga speak for perceived high quality weed. Ironically for all the hype around indo,'dro', etc. I've never had anything as good as outdoor homegrown


very nice. I was chilling with a couple g's of home made bubble hash and redbreast whiskey myself


forgive my mistaken niggerbabble. And yes, soil grown outdoor is the best you can get.


I think the conception is indoor = higher potency, straight to highness. Where as outdoor gives a more robust quality to flavor, high, and aesthetic of the bud.


Not exactly. Indoor hydro is faster and more profitable with autoflower genetics. "Sea of Green" it's called. "Outdoor" is just soil grown, you can grow "outdoor" basement weed. Soil is what really gives the sweeter taste.


WHy would niggers prefer it though


Because niggers have no pallet. See; grape drink, fast food chicken, hood cookout videos. Plus they're retarded.


Yeah so it's like a pseudo coonnoisseur thing.


Yes. "It grows fasters, so you can sell more of it; ergo it's better. That must mean it's also somehow stronger". it isn't


To be fair, I found every aspect of weed to impact the high, down to how the grower said it was grown. They probably enjoy the aspect of it being more hustle type weed.


yeah, could be that. Danes, Californians and BCniggers all claim to have the very best shit ever, so it would make sense that random Baltimore Niggers think theirs would then be also.


You are such a fucking retarded, holy fuck, I pity you and above all, your parents.


What's the least potent variety of weed? I don't think I'd necessarily be willing to try marijuana, but if I did it would be something mild just to get a taste of the experience.


Weed is fucking dangerous. Don't even bother. If you didn't smoke it by now, it's too late.


I think you mean Dutchies.


THC % is what you need to be aware of. The shit we smoked as kids was highest 22% (and that was strong 20 years ago). The shit they have now (35+%) is what I call psychosis weed. It's ridiculously strong and probably the reason so many zooms are flipping out on it. If you've never smoked and want to, go with 20% at highest, the rest is for old degens like me.


Yes. Swamp Germans, my bad. It's the weed.


Smoking the dried flower is one of the worst ways to try it out. Find a place with 50-60 different types of hashish and ask for classic types like Afghani or Red Lebanese. Those haven't changed much in centuries asides for being produced domestically from heirloom seeds, don't waste money for imported. On an empty stomach eat a small amount about the size of 4-5 grains of dried rice to feel very light but pleasant effects that will last a few hours.

If you feel any internal pain during that time it's your body trying to communicate with you about something that you've successfully numbed yourself to. I'd avoid people or unfamiliar places when first trying it. And have drinking water with you.

It is an effective pain relieving medicine but should be used as such and not recreationally.


You talk too much.

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