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Why they are ignoring the BBC question?


If I watch this whole thing will I become jewish?


You are part of the webring, we are the jews of the imageboards


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>We're all jews in some way…
What? haha


Nobody had ever heard of BBC in the '90s. That all started in the 2000s with the arrival of broadband internet and jewish porn streaming sites.


BBC has been around since 1922, silly


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As an Accelerationist, I hope our rulers keep doing this because it'll make rounding them all up, that much easier.


I gave up watching after 1:46.


A true zoomer moment


No, it was just retarded.


Imagine thinking we should watch 30 minutes of a jew talking about how much of a connoisseur he is about porn and pornhub.


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>Letterboxd soyboy releases a 30 minute video essay (lecture) about some shit nobody says
Ummm hello HR????

>Jenny Nicholson releases a 4 hour autistically researched video essay on some theme park ride that operated for a month

Awww you're sweet!


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She's not even vaguely attractive.


Regardless her videos were entertaining and she has a nice dry sense of humor, it's a shame she stopped doing it


>a rare waifuist sighting in the wild


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>mfw I see Jenny outside her containment board.


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What about the Big Black Butt question?


Ramon looked so happy before the jews took him down for being /ourguy/. Being relegated to tranny porn took a part of his soul.


Don't ever talk about the JQ, especially if you work for any form of media. Many modern niggers are now learning this lesson.

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