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>raaaahh, I'm going to take the white knight route and assume the male e perience is the same as the female experience and take up for her because if we all unite we can win
You really have pussied out, Gahoole. It's pathetic.
The reason why she "can't find the guy" is because SHE BECAME HIM.

Get your balls back, you crybaby.


Gayhoole, I love you buddy; but you're the last fucking person that should be giving advice about women. Aren't you still a virgin?



I'm proud of you.


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Nastassia won


This isn't hot.




>It's impossible to meet anyone today. Everyone is locked down in their screens and work and no one has any time for shit
<you just gotta put yourself out there in real ways. Forget dating apps you just…got to put yourself "out there" in "real" ways like…idk hobbies
Ngl this advice was contradictory and sucked.


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I see you are a gentleman of taste and culture like myself.
It's not even bbcmarenko, it's Julia Kul.


>nigger gyrations
That is "bbcamenko," courtesy of /tvch/ads like us dunking on that nigger whore, Natassia Ponomarenko aka bbcamenko.


If it's true, she can hang with her own. White traitors will be dealt with. And all of us, from other nations and races are starting to realizing that the JEW and the groid menace are a cancer to our planet and the human race. If Asians, spics, and jeets could all agree with me that all jews and niggers need to be cleansed, we could all be friends and solve all the world's problems almost overnight. Let's be friends. No more brother wars. We all agree that every kike and nigger needs to be removed first. We can still save this world. Join me.


>niggers own the patents to certain body movements
Females have used twerk-style mating rituals since prehistoric times to attract males.


I think you mean apes.


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O' Lord Jesus, forgive Gahoole and her sins like you forgave Nastassia.

>In the name of Jesus, Amen.


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Nietzsche on feminism.


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Nietzsche was an incel like us!


kys cuck



Gahoole still using Shrek hand pretending to be a manly man.


This advice blows.


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>I try to drink real juice
If it's not fresh from a juicer it's not real juice. To see the difference take a glass of store bought juice and real juice and leave them outside for a day.

I don't care what's written on the label or how much it costs you're drinking a pasteurized fruit flavored sugar emulsion. Maybe it includes some freeze dried vesicles added in afterwards to pretend that it's a real juice.


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We need more posters such as these. Fuck all the jbalvin and ramoncoons.


I can only think of one person who says "ramoncoon."


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I've never really understood the Ramon thing, but I do like the way it makes the beaner mad.


That's fine and all but exactly which Orientals was he talking about? Both Ottoman and Imperial Chinese history were full of examples where queen dowagers and their eunuch rivals were the only ones with actual power at court. Not to mention that the modern Chinese family unit is only patriarchal in legal proceedings, it is fully matriarchal in practice.

Having said that, I remember that both redditors and late 2000s era anons absolutely worshipped him, perhaps thinking they identify with his contrarianism until they found out that he disagreed with feminism. If anyone says alt-right types were the first to embody the terminally online stereotype then they're 100% wrong. Even /pol/ started out as merely retards from /b/ spamming edgy Hitler jokes which eventually led to the creation of a containment board and attracted actual /pol/ types. Lolcows like Chris-Chan were actually not a rare sight in the online scene of the time, he was just among the first ones whose infamy really shot up via 4chan.


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>Even /pol/ started out as merely retards from /b/ spamming edgy Hitler jokes which eventually led to the creation of a containment board and attracted actual /pol/ types.
That was /pol/ at its peak.

I think a lot of people ended up realizing there was a good amount of truth to the things they joked about on there though. I went in as a liberal who would argue with people who talked about blacks being low IQ and everything and ended up realizing that the icky racists I originally looked down upon had a better case than I did. Even then a lot of us never earnestly joined the Hitler fan club.


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I don't watch. What are you going to post next as a cope about you being an incel loser? A Ramoncoon web? Kys.




Bitch ass loser aim is gay


kys nuzach, you are manlet incel


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nuzach you cant even type properly


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Seething and having "muh latino boogeyman" living rent free in your virgin head lol. Kys.


>faggot vol

you're a fag you delete posts then shit talk after cuz ur a pussy lmfao, eat ass


are you drunk or just being retarded as usual?


He is


Hey guys its Yakuza, we both watch porn together and jack off our small broken dicks while being father and son.


Big if true.

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