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Don't post on wizchan


Probably a /dep/ jannie for telling someone to kill themselves.




what was wizchan even supposed to be about?


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She under mk ultra guess who control her.


For what? Source? You can't leave us hanging.


Supposedly a safe heave for internet virgins but as expected ended up being a place for faggots to troon out and groom minors.


Is wizchan back ?


Faggot ass website


Wasn't Hotwheels covertly in charge of this shit show? Basically, Wiz is for incels who will finally be able to gain magical powers via being a virgin at age 30. That's where the "wizard" comes from. And the rest of these faggots have decided to off themselves with the "helium dream" once they rage quit on life. What is the "helium dream" you ask? That's why you go to /dep/ and get the DIY crash course in offing yourself.


Supposedly but few there are true wizards, and it's been infested with 4cuckery for years. Mods there are subhuman vermin. Dudwheels cut his teeth there. I never used it much because the site culture always had these faggot ass memes like you say and general Reddit feel to it. You don't have to be a pussy if you're an incel. That's probably why these bitches have such a mopey attitude; inceldom isn't for pussies. You need serious willpower to take it in stride like us /tv/chads.


4chan is dead too



4chan was murdered after #Occupy. That's what happens when anyone fucks with the elites' and kike's money.


i used to see hotwheels and wizard online together, been a few years since the last sighting


Its corpse being sodomized by the zogbots.


>ywn jack off on her face


never say never


Dawn bitch Billie ellish




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gamer girl tee-hee.


Nice !


dawn hikari babevice

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