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File: 1718045874108.gif (1.5 MB, 350x264, 175:132, giphy-1792216522.gif) ImgOps iqdb



Gahoole need ask himself question

Why janny allow this kind of shit for 24 hours


nuzach has become buddy with one of the vols over a year ago


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Daily remidner that wizchan admin got arrested recently.
Anybody can warn Gahoole before he end up in jail ?


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Don't click it.


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C'mon guys. Let a guy get high for 24 hours.


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The thread is still here.
Is it over ?


Guy on the left is basically an Arab. Some Frenchies look like dune coons.


I thought the whole Nuzach thing died…but here we are, Nuzach like the phoenix rising from the webring's ashes.


Whiter than you.


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I reply with gore. Mods seemingly hate gore because it gets deleted quickly.


I love this gif.


He never left, he fucking hates this site and everyone here, but he have nothing else in his pathetic third-world live. So he stays around telling people to "kys", spamming porn and trying to falseflag. Truly jewish.


Catalog needs a report function


>Daily remidner that wizchan admin got arrested recently.
>Anybody can warn Gahoole before he end up in jail ?
Gahoole did nothing wrong.


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The mods was here and didn't deleted the thread ?

What's going on here ?


Gahoole is the admin.
If the fed shutdown tvch. He is in trouble not the mods.


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What the i din't check the /tv/ catalog but the thread on this morning is still here.

There are 4 threads now…


There's a common misconception that if CP isn't deleted within 30 seconds, the feds are going to shut the site down and arrest the admin. That's not how the law works. If the site is not made for the purpose of CP, and the team makes a reasonable effort to moderate, they are protected by Section 230. What's more likely to happen and what usually happens before police ever get involved, is the host and registrar take the site down on their end because of report trolls, which is what happened to catchan recently.


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What happenned to catchan.
Also i leave tvch

TIred of the cp thread.


They were attacked by malicious actors spamming & report trolling.


>Ramon queer


>jewish mexican faggot


>he's doing it again
I'm not even saying that name because it was a horrible era and should never return, but you should go extinct too, fag.


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Que pasa, goblin?


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Are you talking about the "Holocaust"???


WTF are you talking about, sagefaggot? Anyway, I hope The HAMAS blows up your house in the next few weeks


here we go


If we're talking about the holocaust, it never happened, but it should have… and it needs to… again. And if the holocaust was real, then clearly, 6 million wasn't enough to send them the message.


no, you pedo


tvch will be shutdown soon.
good job vols…


stupid nigger, die


Didn't happen
Not this time.


I read this post in Jonathan Frakes's voice.


File: 1722651779757.mp4 (942.94 KB, 654x480, 109:80, The Holocaust.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

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