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File: 1718232634980.webm (2.99 MB, 544x960, 17:30, 1695011133894483.webm) ImgOps iqdb


>"The average penis of among asian males is astoundingly small. Compared to those of European heritage who came out with a whopping 7.5 inches in primarily European descended males in certain parts of the USA and Europe was no different with rural Germans often right on their heels at 7.3 inches. While asian males of east asia and southeast asia often topped out a meager 2.8 inches. Not much bigger than apes. Those of African-American heritage found their self in the middle 5.5 inches being the average penis erect length.

Explains a lot since asian women have tight vaginas and naturally seek out Big White Cocks to stretch their small tight vaginas. White Women and brown women seek out White Men because only their Big White Cocks can satisfy them.

Big White Cock is the future.


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lmao at the left


BIG if true, and it probably is, but keep in mind that it's all part of the greater race mixing globalist mutt agenda. So, yellow fever meets Asian girls who want white babies. The race mix abounds. And every third world on the planet wants to move to white and/or Asian nations to dilute the groid from their bloodlines. Imagine being a subhuman nigroid, so you're trying hard to evolve into a higher human lifeform. They don't want to continue living as wild animals and I understand that.

But none of the rest of us, White, Hispanic, Asian, Arabic, or Indian, want these animals infesting our DNA with their groid scourge.


Maybe teeny tiny chinky peenys are actually more efficient than BWC? Perhaps that is why there is a billion chinks and much fewer whites. Ever thought about that?


Arabs and Pajeets are even more dicklets, ouch.


Whites used to be 1/3 of the world's population a century ago, before the jews scheduled us for deletion.


Yeah (((two world wars))) along with constant propaganda will do that. Reminder that once enough of whiteys stop gibs most niggers and latinx's will die off.


Putting soy in their diets was a mistake.


I would rather to be a jap over being a pajeet, I think anyone can agree with that.

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