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It ain't easy being cheesy


Look at the pattern on its coat, proof Yakub turned snakes into cats right there.


If you take a cat or wolf, post birth, and nurture them, they'll tame for you. (inb4 those Las Vegas faggots) Keep in mind, it's still a wild animal in the taming process. This kinda bonding isn't something that happens overnight.


You really do have to raise it from a pup or kitten though. You're not going to ever take a real wolf or cat from the wild and make it your own. So, go ahead and get that tree hugging hippy shit out of your head.


You can tame a big cat just as well as a small cat, but even tame animals get angry sometimes. This is why common sense dictates people not keeping cats large enough to rip our throats open.


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OH! It's so cute! I want one! Although, I bet a smuggler from El Salvador has to smuggle one of these kittens inside of his butthole into the USA so Petland can sell it to me for $3000.


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>I want one
No you don't, exotic pets are super expensive and time consuming to maintain unless it's something like a small lizard.


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File: 1720236026243.jpg (209.57 KB, 960x1199, 960:1199, growthhormones.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>This is why common sense dictates people not keeping cats large enough to rip our throats open.
For dogs there are 'neuromodulation treatments'(brain implants), probiotic treatments and of course psychopharmaceuticals to curtail unwanted behavior or aggression, some even do genomic screening. Cat brains are slightly more complex but within our lifetime will be made safe for human cohabitation so a tiger can be safely kept as an expensive house pet/guard animal.


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Hes a big guy


He's a big cat for (You).


White girls can't resist the BWC (Big White Cat).


They can't resist Big Hwite Cock either.

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