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>Fat pajeet grifter is seething about /ourchinaman/


Didn't the street-shitter was jacking off to the hyped Cyberpunk game that ended up becoming a total fucking disaster?


Looks like markiplier got aids


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Another golem is seething at him


He's killing youtube with no survivors.
Based asian man.


and he hyped up the cyberpunk come back story, which as far as i know it's not as good as no man's sky
im glad that people have mostly forgotten about cyberpunk.


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Retarded zoomer is now also attacking our chinkman


Chad striker


Who cares about an Indian and a Chinaman hacking each other to pieces when it isn't in real life? In May, he made a sixteen minute video in which he talked about how he's only a commentary channel for the things he cares about, admitting that he turned himself into a Cr1tikal clone because he drives gimmicks into the ground, milks them for all they're worth, and beats them for whatever's left because he can't innovate. This guy knows of the webring and thinks it's on "the spooky dark web" because he found it from an onion aggregator. If you see newfags anywhere on the webring, blame him.
>Turkey "I cut my girlfriend's name in my chest because she cheated on me with the guy I groomed into my sidekick yet still supported afterward despite him being an icky lolicon" Tom
He's one of Sam Hyde's wigger orbiters. What do you expect?


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That's the whitest zoomer I've seen.


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So it's fine when THEY push for scams as long it's approved by their reddit cattle? Even Soyny had to code a "refund" option during the Cyberpunk disaster.


Tell me more about this guy. I watched a couple of his videos since they were showcasing some real freaks, but then when I went to his channel I noticed he was uploading these documentary-length videos EVERY DAY! Completely unemployed-ass behavior. Totally made me lose all interest.
Now you're telling me that he, himself, is a lolcow? Can these people go one year without turning into he who fights monsters?


You sounds like a butthurt tranny


He is getting more and more idiotic and cringe. And yet, I remember that Godwinson was afraid and jealous of him. Smh.


>ugly piece of shit drawing representing an ugly piece of shit
Where's the discrepancy?


This based chink had a good run.


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The real life version looks a lot uglier than his CalArts avatar.


Why is Codemonkey narrarating Youtube videos now?


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She literally just needs to lose weight to be cute


many such cases, especially channels about gaming and western cartoons


>gaming and western cartoons
Tom used to be a cartoon review channel. Old habits die hard.


Everyone that hates this chink are the most braindeaded nigger Frankensteins grifters.


This, menchildren are afraid of the true about the downfall of their technical "comfy" age of progress.


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File: 1724977671778-1.png (68.32 KB, 1856x710, 928:355, peak reddit moment.png) ImgOps iqdb

Big chudngus


These are the people who got to decide the future of the internet. These are the people who we fought against ten years ago and just because some 6"2 tranny and a jew control tech and the government.


I hate these people with a passion. I don't like to go into details, but I work at a tech company and I have experience and very strong opinions about what is happening and the future of humanity. Meanwhile, the redditor without any real intelligence, experience and training will deny the truth because its "racisssttt".
I wish Super Ramon would unironically kill these people with his insane smile.


Most YouTubers are neets, and not even the kind who have a part time job and can afford to spare 3-4 hours to work on their videos. YouTube money is no longer as big as it was and these grifters don't even get 10% of PewDiePie tier viewcounts anyway so they only earn barely more than if they'd actually worked a real job, and that is assuming they upload every single day.


The fat pajeet who was seething about him is now being canceled for seething about "racist white people".
Another win to actual asians and whites over the brown legions.

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