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File: 1719088849853.jpg (554.91 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 20240622_153845.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Now this is what you call "mexcrement." Swarthy skin, dark eyes. A real spic mongrel.


You will never be white, OP. No only that, but you'll never have children of your own (and that is a good thing).


Those eyes are a best-case scenario. You can actually distinguish the irises from the pupils.


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You are an incel virgin pretending to not be an incel virgin on tvch.
He honestly looks like a spic. Ironic considering this is Gahoole's best friend, a spic, but his homosexual ball washers here imagine a Mexican is stalking the website…in between Ramon masturbation sessions of course.


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If they're able to get her out from the communist shithole that is considered a country. But fear not, because the US are adopting leftwing policies just to become a Newer Mexico.


Toppest of keks. Animal eyes vs human eyes. Know the difference.


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I can't believe that y'all actually elected a jewish woman as your POTUS. It's over for Mexico. Y'all was supposed to inherit the Americas after white people got destroyed. But now, you're the next race to be destroyed. Get ready to blanda upp.


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Can you actually believe that our tax dollars went to pay toward our own demise and we didn't even assassinate a single traitorous politician for this shit?! We were too afraid to fight.


And I don't doubt this one bit. You're probably right, anon. That said, if the "Great Reset" timeline is legit, Canada (India v2.0) better start building a WALL right fucking now to keep out all of the heavily armed American mutt psychopaths, niggers, and beaners. If not, Canada will fall by next week.


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Latinx cope general.


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When the PRI started sympathizing to the USSR by sending shit after Lenin duped them snownigs, it was the beginning of the end:
>Worshiping tyrants and criminals
>Funding a leninist-like elite after the revolution (even the first woman ever printed on mexican money was an underage whore)
>Murdering political opponents during Cardenas' era
>Approving strict gun controls laws after 1968
>Congressmen are nothing but incompetent liberal dipshits who bend over to the drug cartels
>Lefties and christians finally get their chance and presume to be the real liberals
<Militarizing the whole country, whose mixed race marines are 10 times worse than pigs and can get away with murder, theft and even siding with the cartels.
<Self-defense is practically illegal
<Too many brainwashed mutts to deal with the harsh reality of socialism and just nag to the government for their daily doggy-threats at the bank


File: 1719482893085.mp4 (16.41 MB, 400x226, 200:113, dumb ass mexicans get torc….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

>mexico inheriting anything and not destroying it

Goes to show mexico is shitty because its filled with meximutts. The meximutts destroyed California why would you seriously think there would be anything left for meximutts to inherit. Vid related


lol beaners are dumb.


lmao he replied you posting blacked!!! butthurt OP is indeed a latrinx seething!!! fucking lmao.


You are short, have brown eyes a tiny brown cock, op

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