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File: 1719348417789.jpg (52.47 KB, 752x649, 752:649, surferhair.JPG) ImgOps Exif iqdb


The whole sektur is packed with literal subhumans. Surfer, you are a subhuman retard, absolutely an incel virgin.


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are ya seethin at me again there, buddy?


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Surfer's manchild peach fuzz is pretty pathetic, a low testosterone queer. Of course there is yet more ironic gay speak, just like with the Ramon queer. I really do believe you all fuck each other, but that doesn't mean you're not an incel lol. That's just how bad your inceldom is.


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It's hard to believe this is someone's child, or that any of you bottom feeding losers have parents. You are a goyim caricature.


Jewzach is mad at Surfer again. Lmao pathetic latrinex.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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Are you a Foxdick Farmer, buddy?


Nuzach always seethed about Surfer while simping for PPP, the dude spammed PPP gifs on /cow/ for over two years. If he is using Kiwifarms now to seethe about Gahoole and Wrist that would be hilarious.


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You are latinx dude, you are a manlet incel who spam nigger dick and sperg out. Surfer won.


>ur Jewish
>ur latinx
>ur mexcrement
You're a gay nigger lover, buddy lol. Go jerk off your little canadian cock to gay porn.


Ow buddy are you butthurt because you are an incel and a spic?


Surfer called out the spics


Surfer is a dysgenic pedophile incel virgin who can't grow a real beard because of his low T, it's just mamchild fuzz hanging on his mug.


Lol you always project, anything bad you talk about others is about yourself lmao


>n-n-no, you
I can see you thinking this as you cower in fear of me.


I've noticed that too, nuzach is one of those butthurt spics who perfectly fits with the saying "the pot calling the kettle black".


>Ramon Coon


lol (((he))) show up to seethe again, already making me smile while i'm enjoying some coffee.


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Nuzach gets extra butthurt when his own gimmicks are used against himself, truly kino. He gets even more hypocritical than the usual. I fucking love this guy.


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>ur butthurt
>ur gimmicks


Nuzach is depressed atm, buddies, he probably jerk off his little latinx clit to blacked and loli to the point of paying the toll.

With luck in a few days his mania will hit again. So stop bullying him for a little while.


really low energy, the little spic is bipolar, zero emotional IQ just like a brazilian


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>he's low energy!
Ramon Coon


Shaggy won


>With luck in a few days his mania will hit again. So stop bullying him for a little while.
Ah so the mods really are tsundere for nuzach.

But No fuck that fuck nuzach he killed tvch


File: 1723355181309.jpg (115.09 KB, 720x592, 45:37, IMG_20240811_024153.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Robi just wants to enjoy weed in peace, but Surfer is on a sodomite rant doing Discord gayops


why does robi visits this jewish sperg?


OP is a faggot Jew. But the same can be said about RJ aka Drunken Surfer.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


So Surfer is being gay on discord with a bunch of platespics and Bryan? Imagine my shock!


Robi was literally using molly, weed and some pills during that stream


Surfer is now a tranny chaser, Yiros and Roxo won.

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