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Hey dudes Yakuza here

I stucked BBC today i did while drunk. I have work tomorrow and im feeling sick my belly is full of vodka and cum

The internet is dead


>kept BBC out of a White pussy for a couple hours
Keep fighting the good fight, brother.


>nonstop BBC shit everywhere in ZOG


Ponomarenko means big Black cock in russian


File: 1719795413362.mp4 (1.71 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, 1af791e5013826d838790c597d….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

I came really close to her in the Shower. I myself took in a Large BBC and i'm still filled with Babushka and sperm in my stomach, if feels weird. I bonded with Nastassia in that moment.


Yakuza is the biggest BBC whore in the story of this site, taking in account that Zach never existed.


I am the Whore of BBC's.


Proof it


Hey guys, its Yakuza


he is watching blacked jav while jerk off his small muslim dick

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