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/v/ and /pol/ are slow now
This board is run by professional military shills working out of Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. They also run Reddit, Twitter, Black Twitter, GLP and all conspiracy forums, Tumblr, etc.

Their methods are based on Gestalt Psychology and the social engineering methods of the Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations. They also adopted many ideas from the Satanist and Army mind control expert Lt. Col.

Michael Aquino and his MindWar agenda. That is where the "meme magick" element comes from to try and bring in the Occult into the Gestalt they have created here with the demographics that would usually be on a board like this anyway. They want to demoralize a collective hive mind with many high IQ individuals who have the power to see through the bullshit and manifest stuff to change the world.

That is also why the "meme magick" vanished as soon as it came and was proven effective. You are lab rats in a giant experiment here. Free your mind and don't buy into the bait. Look up how the most Reddit traffic was traced back to Eglin. They are running bots 24/7 along with an army of professional shills.

chan.org's most active boards have threads that are up when I go to sleep that are still being bumped when I wake up.

RIP "World Wide Web." Good game, Google.

Anonymouse really do be legion n sheeeit though. Shutting down 4chan is the same as opening the phantom zone. Unpredictable outcomes, good luck Earth.


The pozzed shithole is still alive.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
cool conan cameo in the screenshot


4chan is doing fine, you just like to create this threads to pretend the webring is doing fine like a pathetic attempt to make the two anons left in here keep staying here and not checking out other places.


What other websites would you recommend? Because the webring is pretty much dead at this point…


>This board is run by professional military shills working out of Eglin Air Force Base in Florida.
I regrettably lurk Plebbit for UFO news, and I read over there about Eglin IPs showing up over there apparently spreading disinfo.
4chan is garbage.
The only better alternative I can think of would be Urbit, but you have to basically jump through hoops for that. Either you have to make monthly payments to host your ship or go through the work (and possibly a ton of money) of hosting it yourself. It seems like a big pain in the ass to learn, but I might just end up going this way if the webring bites the dust. From what I've seen of the userbase, it tends to attract a much higher caliber of user than you'd usually find elsewhere.

As for the Internet as we know it, I don't know what other options are out there.


>two anons left in here
Yakuza and I? (I wish Gahoole would come back, then there'd the 3 of us.)


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On a lighter note though, notice how we've had a massive reduction in Chilled Prawns lately since I started telling everyone that modern plate armor doesn't have side protection, anything hypersonic will punch holes in IIIa+, and if all else fails, just shoot them in the dick. I'm cleaning this place up! Doing the Lord's work out here and it's okay to kill chomos.


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>samefagging on my on post for lulz vidrel


>4chan is doing fine
Then fuck off, faggot.




We now have tripfags on cuckchan being praised as heroes lol


no different than Reddit at this point.


Seems like he is a jewish/christian into gnosis and actually a pedo


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Gahoole is back


Gonna need source on those bobs please!


Agreed. I'm going to need more of this for scientific research and stuff. Sauce plz.


Kys porn addicted loser, lol you are an incel, your dick don't work anymore.


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Apart from redditors, zoomers and leftypol, 4chan is much better than webring. I spent a great afternoon at /lit/ and /sci/.


>Apart from redditors, zoomers and leftypol
Those fags essentially comprise the site. 4chan is godawful.


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fix your interior


The webring always been full of newfags who have only appeared on 8chan in the last year and are frankly horrible and desperate for validation. Apart from the Raid of discordfags, /trannypol/, telegramglowers, kiwifarmers, pedos, furfags, seamonkeys, latrinos, JIDF and cucks.
The difference is minimal.


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Shut the fuck up NuZach


Go jack off to your gay nigger, fag.


This is sadly true. Even the mods were only around at like 2018. Faggot ass queers, all of you.
and especially you >>148025, gay nigger lover. As always, kys.




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Does he ever truly leave anons?


Yakuza, Emojitroon, and to an extent Gahoole are the only good guys here. Wrist is an actual newfaggot and is likely the gay nigger poster.


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Lmao, I only enter in this site anymore to see you seethe, goblenzito, hahahahaha. I feel like a king of old, having my own deformed jester.


>He is back in trying to dicksuck Gahoole
lmao, the guys on /cow/ are right once again




You honestly have mental issues. Your projection is legendary.
And you are really easy to be manipulated to chimp out, goblin.




Ah yes.
Aside from the nigger poster, now let's have a schizo too.
And don't forget the cp being posted by bots from the feds. What will we have next? The return of the thot from the 8chan days?


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You know what's funny about niggers? And I don't mean funny HAHA either. They find joy and take pride in destroying everything that they "black"/touch, like a swarm of fucking locusts. "Luk at me killin yo white DNA, whyte boi! How do dis make you feel?! I be destructin Europe!" Niggers, in spite of their low IQ, realize that they destroy everything, simply out of hate and jealousy. None of us, any other race on this planet, and hear me out, my Asian, Indian, Hispanic, Euro, and Slav friends. None of us gain anything from breeding with the negroid. "But look at how athletic my wife's son is now!" Sure, your niglet runs faster than I can. Do you know what else runs faster than me? Horses, dogs, and cats. Any woman who fucks a nigger has a beast kink. Any nigger fucking a white woman isn't doing it to be a loving partner and start a family. Your pic isn't a BBC pic, but it's a pic of BBC committing genocide and killing a white woman by stabbing her in the womb and planting your groid seed. And for every other race here that's reading my comment, when you see a black cock killing an Asian woman, A Hispanic woman, an Indigenous woman, or an Indian woman, kikes are trying to soft demoralize you into a soft genocide. And before you know it, you'll be a ZOG too with a kike POTUS, MEXIBROS, I'm looking at you. WTF for real now seriously.

>Wow! Z3R0 is literally worse than Hitler!

No. I'm not. How am I Hitler v2.0 when I'm begging at this point and trying to ally myself with my fellow humans, NOT BEASTS, that we MUST save the Euro, the Indian, the Slav, the Hispanics, the ethnic Middle Eastern people, the Asians… did I leave anyone out? If so, my apologies.


When you see this shit, it's meant to demoralize you. "How do dis make you feel whyte boi?! I be destroyin ereryting!"

If the jews and their Kalergi plan continues, they'll groid everyone else with their weaponized swarm of locusts once the white race starts going extinct.

Picrel is Aishwarya Rai. Notably one of the most beautiful women on this planet. Imagine seeing her get blacked. Once whites are gone, the Kalergi plan continues as the jew brainwashes every Indian, Asian, Muslim, Hispanic woman into beast kink and crossbreeding. And like the destructive swarm of locusts the the groids are, "How u like dis shit, Pajeet?! I'm destroying your women?! Jerk off to cuck shit!" OR "How dis make you fe(el, Pedro? You love seeing Maria getting blacked and the genocide of La Raza" Jerk your dick of while (((WE))) actively try to genocide your race. (pay no attention to the elderly jewish man who pulls all of the levers btw)

TKD and TND. It's the only way we can save this world. ALL of them… must go.


>Picrel is Aishwarya Rai
>a clip from The Wizard of Oz


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Yeah. I fucked that up a bit, but I'll fix it. How much money will the jew pay her to sell out? When you see her getting blacked, and the black buck says, "Ooga booga, how dis make u feel, Pajeet?! We kill your DNA! LOL!"


lmao most of the users now are zoomers and groypers



Why are there so many low iq latinx shitskins on cuckchan now?


Because spics are slated to be the new majority in America by 2040, but actually much earlier thanks to Bidup. Whites are a global minority already and will be a minority in the US around 2030. Pedro finally has internet access, just like Pajeets, that's why we see so many of them now. They've abandoned their homelands and people (instead of Making India Great Again), and fled to white first world nations for a snow bunny and an XBox.


I would agree with your post but tiny black pecker isn't real no matter how much porn has rotted your brain.


4chan is shit


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Cuckchan is nothing but a preserved corpse, while the room temperature IQ shitksins are just maggots feasting upon its rotting carcass.


Accurate image anon.


He's a namenigger, all he can do is think about black cocks.


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Yakuza is seething. Trannypol is coping. Emojitroon won!!!


Holy based!


However Furaffinity's owner fucking died and the site got hacked while 4chan remains live. Quite hilarious how the hacker was a lot more competent than these rebellious animalfuckers who ended up bending over to the state after leaking Disney's shitty rejected pilots or their threats to a GOP site, in which the owner responded:
>You won't be able to bring your fursuit behind bars when getting raped
But then what happened next? A nothingburger, a whole fear mongering falseflag in which the tolerant flaggots are just impotent cucks.


Why did the twink suddenly become muscular in the last panel?


It's supposed to be two different White men.

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