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File: 1721007486507.mp4 (4.22 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, HOW YOU DID IT TO ME IS AL….mp4) ImgOps iqdb



What is it?
Imagine you're watching a YouTube video when you notice that people have posted nasty comments to try to start an argument - this is an example of online trolling. An online troll is a person who tries to start arguments by posting mean or controversial content online.

Why do people do it?
There has been little research to date on the causes, motivations and effects of trolling. There have been some high-profile cases of trolling targeted towards celebrities in the media but it's important to remember that it can happen to anyone. Research has found that the common motivations behind online trolling can be categorised into 'boredom, attention seeking and revenge'. (Scachaf & Noriko, 2010)

Is it illegal?
Online trolling is a type of cyberbullying behaviour; there are several different laws that make acts of trolling illegal:

The Malicious Communications Act (1988) states it is illegal to cause distress or harm to another through electronic communication.
The Prevention from Harassment Act (1997) states that it is a criminal offense to harass others online.
The Communications Act (2003) states that it is criminal to send, via any electronic communication, a message which is deemed grossly offensive or menacing.

The impact of Cyberbullying Behaviour_
In the BBC's 'Odd One Out' documentary (2019), Jesy Nelson of Little Mix talks to The Diana Award about her experience of cyberbullying behaviour and the affect this had on her mental health.

"The words people use and whether they chose to use them positively or negatively have a permanency and they stick with us" - Jesy Nelson

Top tips if you experience online trolling…
1- Screenshot.
Screenshot evidence of bullying behaviour so you can show a teacher, parent/carer or other responsible adult what is happening. However, never screenshot inappropriate/illicit photos because it's a criminal offense to have inappropriate pictures of someone under the age of 18 on any device.
2- Report, then block.
Once you have saved the evidence, report the post. Most social media apps have a way to report a photo, video, post, status, etc. They will sometimes ask you to explain why you are reporting the content and, most of the time, it is completely anonymous to report someone. Then, we recommend blocking them to avoid further online communication.
3- Tell someone.
Cyberbullying behaviour can make you feel powerless and isolated. Let someone know what has happened and talk it through with them. A problem shared is a problem halved. This can be a friend, family or teacher. If you fear someone is experiencing cyberbullying behaviour, ask them if they are ok and if they want to talk about it. Never forced them to but let them know you will always be there for them.

4- Do not reply.

The motivations behind cyberbullying behaviour can be boredom and seeking attention (Scachaf & Noriko, 2010). Therefore, do not give them the attention they are craving, ignore the comment and do not reply. If you engage with the person exhibiting the bullying behaviour, it could get worse and you could say something in the heat of the moment you later regret.

Top tips if you see trolling online…
1- Be an Upstander.
Never laugh along or encourage online trolling. An upstander is someone who takes action when they see that something is not right. If you see trolling happen online, you do not have to confront the individual - instead, you can make a responsible adult aware or report the content they are sharing. If you feel safe to do so, you can ask them why they posted the hurtful content and ask them to take it down.

2- Understand the impact.
Ask the person who is trolling online if they understand the impact trolling can have. You can direct them to watch Jessy Nelson's documentary on her own experience - this may give them a better insight into the real impact of trolling.

3- Enlist help from others.
Enlist the help of moderators on social media. If you do not feel comfortable confronting someone about their trolling directly, report their comments/posts on that social media platform. Moderators have the power to remove comments that violate their terms and conditions - for example, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram all have this option.

4- Report the post/comment/photo.
Report the online trolling to the social media or gaming site. This means that the platform or gaming site can ban them from the site and stop them making further comments.

Further Support:
The Diana Award Crisis Messenger provides free, 24/7 crisis support across the UK. If you are a young person in crisis, you can text DA to 85258. Trained volunteers will listen to how you're feeling and help you think the next step towards feeling better.

You can also contact Childline by calling 0800 1111.




nah, i don't think i will


It should since action needs to be taken on /ch3/.


File: 1721064303751.mp4 (519.47 KB, 1280x536, 160:67, no.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Based. Vidrel is for (You), fren.

>It should since action needs to be taken on /ch3/.
No. Maybe you should man up, get a spine, and grow some fucking balls. I'm a free speech absolutist. Kids like you deserve to get bullied. I'll tell you why. I was a short, nerdy, poor, fat little fuck before I got to high school. I got bullied some. Then one day in my freshman year of HS, some dude cheap shotted me in the back for the lulz. They called it "bacon!" where they'd slap the back of your neck as hard as they could. Well, some dude tried that and I was having on of those "Falling Down" bad days. I was at the teacher's desk when this happened. It's like time froze and everything went slow motion and I seen red. There's a full steel 1950's Swingline stapler on the desk. I grab that tool and turned around, I landed it dead center on that dude's forehead. I split that faggot's nugget wide open. Blood leaking outta this fool like Ric Flair in his prime. Everyone was in shock and started screaming for help. Just like the movie "Falling Down" I had passed the point of no return. I was in trouble, so might as well make it count. I tackled that shithead to the ground and started to bash him good. Broke his nose and blacked both of his eyes. It was a UFC worthy ground and pound. Eventually, a few male teachers rush into the room and drag me off. It was my first "combat high" and it felt so fucking good. So liberating. Nearly orgasmic. He ended up having to get 14 stitches and still wears that scar till this day.

What's the moral of this story? I liberated myself and I chose to no longer be a victim or a doormat for anyone to step on. The "bacon" guy stopped being a bully and an asshole and we even later became friends. It turned him, well, both of us around. I was suspended for 2 weeks. Rumors abound that they considered pressing charges on me, having me arrested, and sent to the group home for 90 days. That didn't happen though. At the start of my sophomore year, I had partied once with the cousin of a star wrestler. I got him to take me under his wing. I got on the high school's wrestling team the following year. No stolen valor here, I sucked and never wrestled one official match. I was like the practice dummy for the team to do moves on. I have no shame about that. As a result, I learned from the School of Hard Knocks how to take a bump and how to perform all of these cool moves. Like Mick Foley. The underdog, but hailed as one of the most BAMF pro-wrestlers of all time. And so, my legend began. The origin of me almost going to jail for beating some shithead senseless with a stapler from the 50's, becoming the tackling dummy for the school's wrestling team, and becoming fast friends with all of those dudes. Nobody ever dared to fuck with me ever again.

Words shouldn't break you. And when you say shit like "words are violence" that's a slippery slope because the next time you say, "Fuck you, Z3R0!" you're now and active aggressor using "violence" against me and I can just go ahead and bust you in your faggot ass mouth. If I say you're an insufferable niggerfaggot, what do you do? You beg Gahoole, the mods, and the cops to silence me or come use state violence on your behalf over mere words?! Ben Franklin was right when he said, "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." What happens to (You), (after you enact your tyranny) when your girlfriend calls me (implying you're capable of even finding a girlfriend), and me and the boys show up to stomp your ass. You're actually the one who gave me this green light. You called her a bitch.

Think about what you're asking.

My advice. Take off your shoes in the morning and walk around in the freshly dew kissed grass and look up at the sky. Be thankful. Words can't cause you physical harm. Only you can do that to yourself as a reaction. If the stress gets to be too much, because I called you a nigger loving turbo faggot on /tv/, just unplug from it all for a bit. Heal yourself. Take taekwondo classes. It's easy to learn, good for your health, rewarding, and you might make some friends. Take up gardening as a hobby. Man, it feels so good to raise my own veg, but to also deliver my excess to the elderly people in my (because I'm still poor) hood.

I'll leave (You) with this. Your greatest enemy is yourself, anon. Not because I'm saying that you're a nigger loving turbo faggot, but because you don't believe in yourself enough to rise above this. Words are only words, and if it hurts so much that you need to beg BIG TECH for censorship and call the SWAT team to shut me up (with REAL violence), I'm not the problem here. The problem is (You). Sticks and stones, etc, words cannot break you. Rise above it. As soon as you start banning and arresting people for SPEECH, you'll be next.



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