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I think he need to apologize before 2025 ?
Why ? Because she's clearly a better woman now.


BBCMENKO, I am sorry for not bonding with you enough. I am sorry for not swallow all the Pajeet Nigger Pussy and doing the Krishna Dance. I am the loser, BBCMENKO.

> BBCMENKO, I want to be you.


Gahoole needs to stop pretending like he will have a normal life and embrace the internet fame he has. He is very ungrateful.

30 years old virgin is going to happen. Get over it already, dude. I'm a 30 old incel. This is what we do.


I take pride in being a 30 year old virgin.


I take pride in being a 30 year old virgin.


you are an incel with brown eyes and loves gahoole, we get it


Gahoole lost



gahole pls czech emails and even the spam folder


Stop bumping your own shit threads, Yakuzapedo.


bump; this board has garbage people


File: 1722301739016.mp4 (1.61 MB, 640x360, 16:9, FUCK THIS GAY EARTH for re….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

True. I'll take you one step further and go on the record saying, This entire planet is full of garbage people. And tbqhwyfamalamadingdong, 95% of us deserve to go the way of the 8-track player.




<what gives>

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