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I looked up flights to East Asia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, and it is around $1,500 to $2,000. I can't afford to blow that and end up empty handed. I wanted to go over there so I could finally have sex with a woman, and I am not bad looking or fat mind you, but the cost is huge.
The whole "sex tourism" in Asia, which may not even exist anymore in our world of cunts and troons, was probably just a thing for rich old fuckers. I doubt any young or youngish dude ever went over there, got a wife, came back and lived happily ever after, or stayed over there.
It will forever be a mystery to me how exactly Jim Watkins got set up like he did. I actually liked Jim but he just felt shady.
I feel like Asia women appreciate white meat more, they don't take it for granted like white women do. Brown woman hate us and resent us and I would never trust being married to one, even if they subconsciously wanted to be bleached.


>I doubt any young or youngish dude ever went over there, got a wife, came back and lived happily ever after, or stayed over there.
GIs have been going there and coming home with wives for decades. When I was in Korea, the women there were practically trying to rape me. I could've brought back a wife of my choice, but I didn't, because I'm not a degenerate.


>I can't afford to blow that and end up empty handed.
That's probably exactly what's going to happen. Criminals working with prostitutes see clueless tourists like you coming from a mile away and will quickly decide to best way to extract as much value as quickly as possible.

Have you considered that perhaps you deserve to die without ever having sex with a woman? That you're seriously considering traveling halfway across the world to take advantage of sex slaves living in poverty seems a good indicator to me that it might be the case.


Most prostitutes aren't enslaved, they do it of their own accord because it's all they're good at. Many such cases.


Oh and don't expect any sympathy when you show up to your embassy with a story about a empty bank account, ransacked hotel room and missing passport. They hear it everyday of the week and would gladly kill you on the spot to end your trouble. They make fun of the retards like you that they have to go visit in prisons because paying the police to stay out there didn't occur in their tiny brains and now they've got drug resistant tuberculosis for the rest of their life.


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>Have you considered that perhaps you deserve to die without ever having sex with a woman?
lol that's why we have tvch.moe! It is a democracy of incels administrated by the King of the Incels.


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I am going to be honest with you guys, I never seriously considered traveling everywhere. I just felt like shitposting and I know what pushes your buttons.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Vidrel was my haunt, lads. My payday getaway. And I left a massive tidal wave of bleaching in my wake. I planted my seed inside of every slant who'd spread her legs for me. Mind you, I did all of this as a ZOGbot. Suwon was perfect. It was just up the tracks from us in Songtan (Yes, I know Songtan Sally, wanna go?!) I'll leave that up to other anons or spooks to verify my claims. No stolen valor here. You'd have to be there to know this kinda shit that I'm spewing. I digress.

Suwon was my favorite town in northern Korea. If you got stationed in southern Korea, you had A-town, but that was pretty much it and it was always crawling with cops. Sucks to be you goys.

Suwon was awesome because it was a college town. Being a university, they had tons of white men as English teachers. Back then, they'd even pay your rent for free just to teach. So, lots of Canadians came to Suwon. Prostitution was made illegal only because Seoul hosted a game, so they pushed it out of town, but never prosecuted anyone. Suwon was full of "glass houses" where you could fuck any kinda girl that you want. I mean that literally. Russian girls, Eurobabes, slants, any other third world meat, ALL of "questionalble age" if you know what I mean. But, when in Rome… well…

"How in the fuck did this happen, Z3R0?!" Good question and I have a good answer for you. The mafia runs the entire sex worker / human trafficking industry. Be it the Yakuza or Triad or whoever, the mafia runs this shit. How the do this is with a "job fair" in the third world to scout cooks, waitresses, and entertainers. You can make BIG AMERICAN MONEY and (the mafia) will cover the cost of your lodging. It all seems like a super sweet gig until these girls get there and find out, "Well, your lodging is free, but your food, clothes, utilities, and everything else now costs you some serious money. OOPS! Now you're in debt to the mafia and they hold your only form of personal identification. If you FUCK THIS UP, you can become fish food in international waters and if any piece of you washes up on shore, you're another Jane Doe.


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Is this drug resistant tuberculosis?


>And I left a massive tidal wave of bleaching in my wake. I planted my seed inside of every slant who'd spread her legs for me.
You're a degenerate. Also, all those whores are on the pill and get abortions. Do you think they have the bastard child of every foreigner who cums in them?


Crying about whores getting exploited and poorfags is peak betacuck behavior. Go get your chastity cage.


Now, let's dive a little deeper. All aboard the Hell Gondola! We're going for a ride!
"How does the USA allow this to happen, Z3R0?!" Quite simply. It falls in line with hugging all of the cats meme. You can't hug all of the cats, anon. So, we co-exist with these assholes. That's why you see ZOGbots with smoking hot Asian waifus. Had I not purchased her from the mafia (paid her BAR TAB) the could have just put a bullet in her skull and tossed her into the ocean.

And for OP, >>149894 it may very well be a case of the spooks wanting more of goys like me there, and less of goys like (You) there. Simple as. It's a hot vacation spot for the spooks.

And after all this shit that I just said, I bet you're thinking to yourself, "HOLY FUCKING SHIT! Z3R0 really is the genuine article!" I AM.


Don't care about their welfare or their situation just pointing out what ridiculous lengths he's willingly to go through to simply have sex, particularity how desperate and without any alternative the women have to be. That you saw any sympathy on my part for them when none was intended isn't my problem.


Epic Menko Time


>particularity how desperate and without any alternative the women have to be.
Why is this so troubling for you? You sound like a leftist with all your concern for the lack of women's bodily autonomy.


>Wahhh I want to have sex
Honestly if the girl wasn't my waifu irl why would I want to be a sex tourist? Being a robot turbo-wizard isn't so bad, dedicate your life to being a post-christcuck Templar like me, or die trying.


Aren't it leftists who ate obsessed with sex? If hes hwite and livesnin the west he would have a better chance in the west with hwite whores or westernized asian whores anyways. Some east-asian women keep their hapa spawn but majority abort their children, hapa or not.


Sex with hags is overrated anyway. As you get older, it becomes less of a concern.

The boomers who were fooling around with 13-year-olds in the 60s and 70s with impunity slammed the door shut for the rest of us, because Mr. and Mrs. America would've had a real problem with all the diversity they forced on us doing the same. So now, the choices are limited to virtual Onlyfans sex, or getting some drunk hag to go home with you.


>Why is this so troubling for you?
You're right it is troubling to me because of the few times I bother coming here most of the time I keep wondering why and my visits fall further apart.

I'm ashamed to be using the same site as people like the OP or that retard pretending that visiting some third world brothel to try and produce disgusting mongrels is something to brag about and I hope you have enough decency left in you to feel this way too.

Concern for women? My only concern is about the userbase of this site becoming worse over time. With people like this it won't be long before we get threads about sex tourism in Africa to save money or what kind of dog is the best to have sex with.


You are no different from the jews, our ancestors didn't do such disgusting things.

You aren't getting a "cunny" wife anon, and you shouldn't try to fuck one is Asia either.

Our ancestors married younger girls because it made sense to, not because they wanted to use them as a fucktoy. Don't bring up muh trad values when you just want to be a borderline pedo-sexpat in the same likes as gods chosen people.


>You aren't getting a "cunny" wife anon, and you shouldn't try to fuck one is Asia either.
>Don't bring up muh trad values when you just want to be a borderline pedo-sexpat in the same likes as gods chosen people.
I'm not OP. I am anti-miscegenation. In my opinion, being a race traitor is a worse offense than a White man in a relationship with a White adolescent girl. Ideally, such girls would be married off young to White suitors, but instead we are living in the wake of boomer values, which say that they should be bisexual and practice casual sex with nonwhites until they're ready to get serious at 30.


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>or what kind of dog is the best to have sex with.


Get on your high horse then and fuck off back to whatever super serious faghole you came from.


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>ywn afford to Epstein's island
All those n33tbuxes and welfare checks, worthless.


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>I'm not OP. I am anti-miscegenation. In my opinion, being a race traitor is a worse offense than a White man in a relationship with a White adolescent girl. Ideally, such girls would be married off young to White suitors, but instead we are living in the wake of boomer values, which say that they should be bisexual and practice casual sex with nonwhites until they're ready to get serious at 30.
I'm actually not all that opposed to miscegenation, but there should definitely be a stigma on creating mongrels. I don't care whether it's with Shaniqua or with muh trad Azn waifu. The only real exception I could imagine would be if there was a more advanced race that was having a massive population explosion with a lot of excess people seeking to absorb a more primitive group much smaller in number.


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>absorb a more primitive group much smaller in number.
Not that it would even have to even be primitive. I meant foreign to a nation.


Lol I thought that was J.D. Vance from the thumbnail.


Still seething hard, Jewzach? Oh my dude, try to heal your bitter and fragmented soul.


You got baited again haha


Here's a tip.

Japanese women are about the only Asian women that are still kinda worth it and it's only because they have both a culture of shame and a very private lifestyle, meaning they won't take their entire family to live off of your 'tismbux savings like the rest. The worst in this regard are Southern Asians and Southeast Asians, they literally treat you as their magical ATM. And contrary to popular belief, Southern Asian and SEA women are just as vapid as their western counterparts while also being even dumber and yet way more manipulative.


I hope you get chopped up by some 5'1 gook with a machete out there, you pathetic freak.


lol fuck you, I just got back from my trip and I knocked up a teenager.


OP is Shamoo


OP is Shamu.


You can still be prosecuted for traveling to another country to have sex with a minor, so you're not out of the woods yet.


Shamoo and I both engage in sexual tourism and have sex with underage boys. Nobody can't stop us, we are rich.

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