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I am not a fan of the guy but holy shit this is fucking scary af.
This is probably just a test but soon… All your interactions will be with AI. Your mind will be molded into what they want it to be. You WILL be their perfect little worker. You WILL be brainwashed.


I don't care. I try not to think about destiny at all. The guy's a fucking worm that belongs in a ditch. Don't pay him any attention.


Honestly this is just an extension of the shills aren't real webm from back kn the day, destycuck just finding out what we found out years ago.


post the webm


I don't have it on me sadly atm.



>Destiny finds out there are far rightist bot accounts that countersignal him
>doesn't recognize that centrist, rightist, and leftist bot accounts had been propping him up beforehand
>tries to tie this into him being banned for threats of violence because Elon Musk, who tries to be as online as he can, "found" his tweet
>blames these things for his decline in popularity
>instead of him being a cuckold who lost his wife to a younger man from the same nation as her and culture moving right in general
There are definitely botnets, but these have existed since the 2000s, even earlier if you consider third worlders being hired to make fake accounts. It's only recently that they've become "sophisticated". What kicked off the idea of Dead Internet Theory wasn't just interactions with botnets, but absence of interaction on sites with allegedly thousands to millions of users. As the internet has grown in size, the amount of third worlders making content and spaces for themselves has become the norm. You could go online and never interact with an Indonesian, despite them having the fourth highest population in the world. Take 8chan as an example. Once Qboomers moved there, the site's activity was never again reflected in the experience of its userbase.


>He's just regurgitating shit and make lefties look like the victims
Of course those liberal ruled sites clogged with bots only to attract the oblivious is just a conspiracy theory, chuds.


And another episode where leftists pretend to understand something created by the right and pretend to have created it and be experts on these subjects for attention and money.


Who? Fuck off.


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You needed cuckstiny to tell you the internet is dead?


this manlet cuck just like the rest of left-wingers are retarded faggots, they helped the internet to be killed by the corporations and the goverment

i honestly hope someone bomb google


File: 1726708348743.jpg (212.34 KB, 1477x1941, 1477:1941, The real dead internet the….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

That's how redditors act:
>If it's safe and sterile enough it gets shared everywhere
<If it's not, then it's schizoposting

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