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File: 1724679038593.jpg (770.95 KB, 1531x2732, 1531:2732, 1723451687487537.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb



First it was telegram, then rumble, now libgen. The war on digital freedom is beginning.


Its the kikes yakuza.


File: 1724687134376.jpg (86.58 KB, 800x450, 16:9, G-Force.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

I won't let tvchan go down on my watch. "Because Z3R0 is the flaming namefaggot that tvchan needs, but not the one it deserves right now."

We'll form up like a low budget Dollar General Voltron knock-off, but it'll be cheaper and gayer than the Netflix reboot where they cast Pidge as some sorta androgenous troon faggot. Have you ever seen a gayer and lower budget Voltron knockoff?! Well, buckle up, buckaroos because I'll make G-Force gayer than possibly imagined. Just imagine a MegaZord knockoff where Z3R0, Nuzack, Yakuza, Ramone, and Gahoole all form up like a Dollar General Voltron to dropkick kikes and chomos off a fucking cliff. That's what I want to bring to the table lads. Am I an autist? Yes. Do I dream big? Hell to the year. We're going to make it, lads. And it's going to be super duper fucking gay and hilarious when we do it. Because we do it for the lulz. It was always about the lulz. RISE UP!


Tbh I will miss Gahoole and Wrist. I don't know why you guys think I hate you.


Imagine being this cool and gay as fuck, at a budget price, and killing nazis and saving democracy with your trusty 22-250 blasters. An alliance of faggots saving Earth from becoming a nigger planet ruled by kikes. I mean, c'mon, get the fuck in here on this, unless you're a nigger or kike. The rest of the planet doesn't want your kind here. We're trying to make Earth a better place, and the only way to make Earth better is TKD and TND. Fuck all nigger and jews for real. We're trying to save the planet here. Buy something in a 22-250 caliber today!


I don't hate anyone here. We all have bigger fish to fry. Workers of the world unite, indeed. Niggers don't work and kikes are thieves. That's why they need to be eliminated for the betterment of mankind. Every single last one of them must go. And I think we can ALL agree upon this common goal. We all now realize our common threats.


Another boring spam thread made by some attention whore blackedpilled coomer.



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