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File: 1724712270118.png (449.18 KB, 640x668, 160:167, Doug_Walker_Comic_Con_2022.png) ImgOps iqdb



We need charls Utopia soon.


>By Jenny Graves


Once men are gone we will lose talent like dougr and have to clone losers like nostalgia chick.


>Adonis Theory ragebait
The difference between rhesus Y-chromosomes and human Y-chromosomes is tiny, having lost a single gene between the two in the twenty five million years since divergence. The amount of time it would take for the Y-chromosome to deteriorate and merge with an autosome to make a new sex chromosome is enough for all life on Earth to go extinct. The Y-chromosome won't go away. Adonis Theory is scientific feminism.


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>In turn, this must mean the Y chromosome has lost 900-55 active genes over the 166 million years that humans and platypus have been evolving separately. That's a loss of about five genes per million years. At this rate, the last 55 genes will be gone in 11 million years.
evolutionist fanfiction not based on any kind of reality



For a while now I've noticed that the few white guys I know still have children with white women only have daughters.
This is beyond the point of being just coincidental. It would make more sense if they came from warm places, but how come almost every white couple in North America and Europe is just having daughters? This is obviously part of some plan.


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btw eating lots of veggies while youre pregnant supposedly makes your child more likely to be a girl. Everyone laughs this off as a ridiculous folktale and superstition. But they do it anyways and it works.
Most of people nowadays are eating mostly shitty carbs.


I believe there really is some foul play going on.


Funny how this faggot represents mister metokur's modern audience so well


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>made up garbage predictions for millions of years from now
Scientist have basically have just become narcissist retards making things up based on little extracted data or none.


My feelings and everyone's opinion on Reddit are facts.

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