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I am leaving for good. I need to move on with my life. This place just got too boring and repetitive.

Gahoole, I wish you luck in losing your inceldom. I will try to lose mine too. Wrist, good luck to you to.

Good luck to everyone here. I enjoyed the shitposting as always. I am just too old for this shit, seriously. 8chan is dead and nothing like it is ever coming back. The age of heroes and freedom is over.


*hugs you in a no-homo way*

I've been playing Stellaris lately, it's like Civ on steroids. This too shall pass, long after you and I are gone, humanity lives on. There's nothing wrong with self preservation or trying to live your best life. Perhaps, there are happenings so big that we can't stop them. We only have to survive them. That's something that I learned from playing Stellaris. Domination might not be achievable, but we can still survive. We might not have won this round, but we survived extinction and came in third place. Simply finishing the race and not being killed is "winning" in a way. I'll gladly take my bronze trophy. Hopefully, my great grandchildren will tell stories about me and say, "Anon was a pretty cool guy. I'm glad that he happened."


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I still like tvch because it's a niche place for conversation, without the pitfalls of 4kanker or social media, but you do you.

See you, space cowboy.


You had me at "See you, space cowboy." Truly a man of culture. I don't know if you're a gaymer, but I mentioned Stellaris. All of the humanoids from 300 years in the future are all a lighter shade of beige and slightly slant. And that's how it'll probably be once we reach peak globalism. The latin cuties are our future, even more so when they have anime hair and white people eye colors. And I think this is where Stellaris gets it wrong. They depict all future humans with dark hair and light beige skin tones, which is true enough, but given our current science and future tech, I believe we'll all have anime eyes and hair colors and styles. Just imagine both of these two cuties dancing around with green eyes and purple hair. That's the future that awaits us, and… I won't be mad about it.


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This is some truly crazy looking shit right here, but it's a future I welcome. I'd fuck whatever this feminine looking thing is. Every future girl will be an IRL cosplayer.


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>given our current science and future tech, I believe we'll all have anime eyes and hair colors and styles
CRISPR only deletes genes, you can't make a brown or black-eyed person have light eyes with it. The contacts they have now are pretty believable, though.

As far as hair, dye has been a thing for a long time. So many girls use it, that you don't know who's who anymore.


Seriously though I lust after black men's spermies. I hope I choke to death on a large veiny african penis soon.


Totally based because there's only 2 factions who play by the "one drop" rule and that's niggers and nazis. So, let's say that she's 1/32nd black. Well, I guess that makes her a nigger. (Nobody really wants to be a nigger, that's why the snowbunny, or anything lighter, BLACKED.COM meme exists. They're going to soft kill your race into extinction.) I'll get this black girl pregnant and suck on her 8 inch clit. It you don't, you're gay and racist, and I'll report you to the cops.


See you next month, bro.


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So long. Good luck to you too.
>Totally based because there's only 2 factions who play by the "one drop" rule and that's niggers and nazis. So, let's say that she's 1/32nd black. Well, I guess that makes her a nigger.
Anything under 1/8 black wouldn't have been considered black under the one-drop rule. They didn't have any word for anything less black than an octoroon as far as I know, and someone who's less than an eighth black would still be overwhelmingly white.


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I left for a while because I wanted to have a tigher hold of myself before I could come back and hang up with you guys. Now that I return everyones just going away. Please don't forget us anon, and don't leave forever like I did for so long.

>I am just too old for this shit

Your not to old until you are dead
8chan is dead and nothing like it is ever coming back
That remains to be truly tested anon.
>The age of heroes and freedom is over
Farewell to freedom and fun on the internet anon, would be what I would sau of we still couldn't have fun and fight for what believe in here and now.

I understand your reasons, like I said I basically did the same thing, but never forget that your here forever, and there is always a place here for you brother.


Yeah its actually niggers who thinks everyones blawk en sheit.


Ahh can't even properly greentext every quote, now that is some age showing.


Mein fuhrer, I'm sorry but the internet is dying and will be dead soon. We truly are incapable of going back to the glory days of chans.


I don't agree anon, its not over till its over, I carry on the spirit of the true internet and so do you.


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You will never get out of tvch and alogspace. You've lied about this before, more than once in fact.
The sad truth, OP, is that you are everything bad that you accuse others of. You have no life outside seething and trying to poison well.
I doubt you'll go more than a week without using any of the sites, you're just modernly regretting spending four years of your life fighting around with random anons who just wanted to be chill and have fun. You finally realized that no one likes you no matter how much you now try to play nice, like the Jew hiding the knife stained with child's blood.

Doug and Wrist won without even having to do anything!


who is Doug? Never heard that one before.


I've left for large periods of times like months/year and I did it not out of a conscious decision, but just naturally stopped by enriching my life outside the internet. Get used to it long enough and you'll be off for a long time. Problem for me is that something always happens and hurts and I end up checking this site out only tobe reminded of the retarded shitposting that hasn't changed despite myself changing a lot. Since it is old and comforting I still am here but not as active and I see things with a different perspective. There may be another time where I leave again. Hope It'll be because of a good reason and my life improves.

>I am just too old for this shit, seriously. 8chan is dead and nothing like it is ever coming back. The age of heroes and freedom is over.

I hear you. Felt the same way which is why I stopped.

Wish you the best.


OP is not nuzach anon, are you trying to stir shit?
Yeah I come off and on as well, not gonna leave again cause I don't wanna lose anymore brothers but I guess I can't stop everyone from going. I won't give up ever but its certainly depressing to feel so far away from something that may have once been very meaningful to (you). I don't want things to just end with everyone giving up and going home metaphorically because that is sad and pathetic. I may never do that, some others here might, but so many people gave up half a decade ago at this point and so many that remain live on here like its a retirement home, waiting to die.

I am trying to find a way to stop this feeling but I am unsure if I can have a degree of control to change it at this point. I just hope a sliver of anons knowledge is carried to whatever comes to take our place in the future, a successor to Fullchan's legacy that so far has failed to be met.


>she don't know Doug Walker
>isn't jewzach
>these digits
The faggot is using pepeposting in the last few weeks for whatever reason, maybe trying to emulate weakload. Also he is the only one always obsessed with Wrist.
IF he's not Nuzach, it's a shame, otherwise let him finally go, because I know of at least two other anons who will be more than happy to use the site again if they don't have to deal with him constantly seething and derailing all threads.


<frogposter complaining about something else being boring and repetitive


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See you tomorrow!


Well they aren't good digits but I still don't think OP is that faggot, he seems like an okay, respectable enough anon.
I miss yakuza webms, don't know how he makes a still image with music hit the fucking soul.


Well said. That's the negroid dilemma. And I've said it many times over. White nationalists have been brainwashed into only creating children with pure *UA* waifus of Germanic heritage. Meanwhile, niggers, as an entire species, have been weaponized by kikes to act as a swarm of locusts and encouraged to breed with everything that isn't a negroid subspecies. "You gots blacked bitch, how you DNA like that?!" So, any single drop of groid blood make it a nigger conquest… because they're now BLACK, even if it is only 1%. And we create DEI programs for the groid scourge. It's a form of reverse racism if you really think about it. Consider the greyhound dog. It's really fast, but that's the only thing that it's good at. If it were a superior dog, it'd be used by hunters or cops, but it's not. The only thing it can do is run fast. It's the same thing with the negroid. They're fast and good at throwing balls at each other, but that's pretty much it. Let's break down what DEI really means. Diversity, because you have to include a black person for no particular reason and without merit. Equity, because blacks should feel like they shared in everyone else's accomplishments. Inclusion, because the blacks need a participation trophy too, even if the only thing they did was show up.


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The groid scourge will continue their jealous destruction of all races until they finally go extinct, as nature had intended. In regards to Venti, she identifies as white and has blue eyes. Take one for the team. Smack her, and she's clean her cat's litter box. Do you think Brit would say our kid is black? No. She's on our side. That's where whites are losing the reproductive war with blacks. A negroid will reproduce with any humanoid and plant a black flag on it. Whites need to adopt this instead. There are billions of women on the planet begging for a lighter shade of beige in their wombs. Call it bleached. We will find a lighter shade of brown in our future, endeavoring for whiteness. We need to ally ourselves together, from all races, to exterminate all jews and niggers. TKD and TND. Only then will our planet reach the stars and know real peace. Right now, I'd lie down with a Palestinian girl and ask her, "Do you want all niggers and jews to go extinct?" If she said "YES" to me, I'd put a ring on her finger and a white child in her womb. That's what we should all strive for.


I mean I get it Z3R0, you fuck a lot of nonwhite women, if we had control like in the past I would agree that its a good idea, but at the moment you risk creating more mongrels that despise us. I am trying to see the merits in what you are saying but at the moment I cannot agree entirely.


i'd still benti, i don't care what anybody else says


Do you think that a 75% mongrel or a 25% mongrel is more likely to side with our race? Currently, the 75% dark is outbreeding the 25$ lighter shade. I'm just trying to foresee the future, but it's not looking good for the whites.


bust that nut son


I would too, bro. I'd tell her to go clean the mofuggin litter box from all the cat shit, and then I'd put a white baby in her womb. And I'd keep doing it till she couldn't have any more babies, like a frickin Mormon.


Heard shes jewish can't confirm it.
I know the castizo is more likely to side with us Aryans anon. I get what you are saying, I am still considering what you have to say.


Thank you for hearing me out and I have this message to say to you. If you fall for the kike schemes and troon out or turn into a fag or fail to have any child at all, regardless of whatever your race may be, white or spic or slant, how did you save us from the groid scourge or kike enslavement if you have no children at all?!


If you fail to reproduce, then you're just a dead branch on your family's tree.


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Check these blessed digits while you're at it, lads. I don't care if you're a slant or spic, but we cant let the groid menace or our kike overlords succeed.

And I'm cool with every other race on this planet, so long as you agree that TKD and TND is our goal. These people have got to go if we want to save the world. Join me.


Yeah I know that, honestly think I am broken and beyond saving in many ways, but I refuse to give up.


The report came in, my GRIDS diagnosis is terminal. I likely only have a week to live. No matter, I am willing to die for my interracial cocklust.


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Times are changing. It's time we all reached out for something new, that means you too.


I can feel his power


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NEET wizard is probably gahoole's best character.


hes so smallhoole and cuthoole


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>I am leaving for good. I need to move on with my life. This place just got too boring and repetitive.


Sorry I didn't see this when it got posted. I will be here for you anytime friend. God speed
Also I am not an incel anymore already. Haven't been for years now.


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….and I thought my jokes were bad.

Gayhoolio, seriously dude, I said it was ok to be an incel and the ramonshitters all agree. You can stop hiding now.


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I mean, I'm a massive incel lol. I haven't seen pussy in 18 years.


It doesn't count if you've to pay.


>straighthoole needs to pay bitches for dirty poon and doesn't just get all the Dominican ass he can handle by way of being a giant unit


White girls want black dick. All men are incels now unless they're black or 6'3".


t. Louis C.K.


>straighthoole, the physical beast, doesn't make all the colors of the rainbows bitches soaking wet by virtue of being an absolute unit




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