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dreamed a dream where the only thing i remember was the end. i woke up, in the dream, in the middle of the night in my childhood bed. it felt like something was watching me sleep from the dark. i heard my sibling call out from their bed on the other side of the room but i found i was in sleep paralysis mode and couldn't get to them. after a moment i managed to do a barrel roll off the bed and hit the floor then woke irl because it turned out that i literally rolled off my bed and hit the floor


Hope you didn't hurt yourself.


Don't be scared of the abyss. It's all mental, anon. I've been where you are. One day, I decided to be aggressive instead of afraid. The ghost or demon would confront me in my dream and I rushed it and made war, a power granted to me by Michael The Archangel. When this entity took a couple of Mike Tyson's Punchout Uppercuts to the face, they folded like an laundry and turned out to be a cowering pile of skeletons. And they were afraid of me instead. I felt bad for them and wanted to show them mercy, but I decided to rule over them, so I violently raped them into submission. Outcomes be damned.


Had it not been for Archangel Michael bestowing upon me the "Pimp Hand Glove of Divine Intervention," then I don't think I'd have been able to smack these ghostly bitches into submission. With the help of Hecate and Artemis, I went on a ghost/demon raping spree. Bitches all have rape fantasies. Even bitches who died 200 years ago and now they're a ghost or demon, they all secretly have a rape fetish too.

Learn to control your dreams, anon. Become a master of your own life. You can do it.


i'm dying pls send halp


Drean a little dream baby girl


I have been diagnosed with GRIDS and do not have long to live. This is the consequence of cruising for dudes in the detroit ghetto. Don't be like me, anons. Learn from my mistake.


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I sometimes dream I'm back in 1998-2002 again and everything is shiny, colorful and chrome.
I don't want to wake up


It won't be long now, lads. Slaying all of this brown bussy. Grindr was a mistake. Lucky for me, I was on my PREP meds. Thanks, Nuzach and Ramone. I hope I got you're name right, but if I didn't, my bad. I'm really drunk right now and fixing to shutdown my OS for the day. TKD!


Bumping it before Yakuzapedo kills another good thread with his retarded subhuman coomer spamming.

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