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Join Candice Horbacz and Anna Runkle as they explore why people often find themselves attracted to emotionally unavailable or unhealthy partners. They reveal how childhood trauma can affect brain processing and make toxic relationships seem appealing. Discover practical strategies for breaking these patterns and moving towards healthier relationships. Don't miss this insightful discussion on overcoming common relational challenges.


She was married at the time and her husband didnt want her to do it.
best thing is greg was the director so she choose the guy who would fuck her damn i think that evil.


Husband is pathetic cuck straight out of Hypergen-X sketch from MDE.


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NuZach cuckold spic you will never be white


she would definitely know a thing or two about "trauma" lol. Like a traumatic bbc.


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ramon coon nigger you will never be straight


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<idolizes a gay nigger pornstar who sodomizes white males
I think you've got your priorities mixed up, buddy.


Ramon is an american hero, faggot.


You just posted cuck porn earlier


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>all these posters making me mad are the same guy!!! grrr!!!!
apparently you do't understand what anonymous means, retard. It means a few different guys can do the same thing without saying so.


Ramon became the humble harv of tvch.


Yeah and I know you could easily samefag, hop ips like a nigger, anything to imply it isn't you, but you've already admitted to it before.


God, you are so fucking annoying and pathetic, for real, the few days without you in this site are very comfy and the discussions are way better. You just post the same shit, over and over again, then derail, then samefag, then get high on copium and make yourself look stupid with your lolcow behavior.


Ramon really does seperate the wheat from the chaff. You can tell if you fit in here, at all, based on nothing more than your reaction to the Ramon Question.


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You have no soul, that's a fact. Now you are just posting DAJOOOS big baby memes, and failing at that. Posting loli (nothing new about that) and redditfrog. Lmao, try to be original at least once in your life, incel.


>Now you are just posting DAJOOOS big baby memes, and failing at that
It's not even funny when he does it.


He created a thead weeks ago asking for the ocs to be posted. it was obvious that it was him, he's a parasite incapable of creating anything, in fact he seems to have a particular hatred for any anons creating ocs


I think I fell for it. For that I apologize.


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Get a life, you basement dwelling, porn addicted virgin.
I own a house that I bought all on my own in a different state from my family. Its in a white neighborhood. I've had sex before. You are a virgin and you live with your parents. You are a porn addict and are such a porn addict in fact that you've gone gay for a homo nigger pornstar. Clean up your life, you dumb reject.


>I own a house that I bought all on my own in a different state from my family. Its in a white neighborhood. I've had sex before.
Not that guy, but something doesn't add up with your story. So, you're single, and you bought your own house with no help from anybody else, AND it's a White neighborhood? Is it a trailer park?


I'm rich and a proud incel. I think about Gahoole's dick several times a day but I keep my Hispanic clit locked up all the time, so I'm not gay like you who likes women!


Yeah, it's called working. It's called getting a degree that is not worthless. It's called saving your money and not squandering it on tattoos or figurines or alcohol or mcdonalds or cuckime or whatever it is you morons blow it on.
A long time ago I used 8chan when I was in college to be a part of "the movement" but it became obvious quickly that the whole internet is filled with losers. So, I just drop in and shitpost, and making certain people seethe still makes me chuckle. Ramon coons are so assnuked that all I have to do is say "coon" or "da jooos" and they go into a seethe frenzy.


I still say even if you managed to buy a home yourself, you're probably living housepoor unless you're a doctor or something. Most working people can barely make it with two incomes in this economy.


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>"Functional adult"
Thanks for maintaining niggers, spics and many living failures by getting taxed up the ass or getting raped by Trenes/Cartels gangbangers. Just admit to any shitskin that the American Dream is nothing but a delusional kiked meme.


Your lies and approval cravings are now comparable to Zoom and TRSperg, both oldfarts and losers that you love so much, Paquito.
You've been assblasted and trolled beyond limits, brownyed incel. Keep being our lolcow, go ahead, seethe and cope some more for our enjoyment.


Being a NEET is based, I thought nuzach liked being a a NEET.


He has no integrity, he is just a bitter coward, he was proud to be an incel but the alogs have humiliated him so badly that now he is desperate not to admit that he is a loser with brown eyes.


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Go walk back to the room you grew up in and beat it to some more Trans500, you homosexual porn addicted manchild. Your parents will be relieved if they find you hanging in the closet.
Everyone who owns a home is house poor, until you save up more money again after the down payment. All you have to do is save money and not blow it on shit like cuckeogooms or the latest Trans500 coonery.
I am am incel, just not a virgin, retard. You on the otherhand are a virgin. Everyone on this website is at least an incel. You porn addict Ramons are virgins. That's why you went prison gay, life refused to allow you to see a irl pussy, so you're taking it out on your gay butthole lol.


you hit the nail on the head. see how much he got assblasted.


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>I'm a proud norman who owns his own home in a good neighborhood
>I'm also a tvchan poster that seethes about a wetback gay pornstar all throughout the day
I bet


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>There are no comments available for this video

She gone too far


Lmao she blocked the comments but now it's back.
She cleaned the blacked comments.


she is truly a bbcamenko!!!!


I was just joking last night. I don't own anything. I live with my divorced mother. I am NEET. I was just tricking you coons as usual.

Bbca fucking menko bitch


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Don't you know? Everyone who isn't a chud just happens to be a rocket scientist or whatever they sexually identify as.


he works as a JIDF agent, for free


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she hit the wall so hard



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