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Say hello to my shitpost blend
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Is Gahoole even still alive? When was the last time anybody saw him?


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I truly believe is dead. He's not the admin of tvch.


That /cow/ thread last year about the /meta/ thread broke him.


He does cosplay as smartschoolboy9 now.


He took some odd weight loss drug.


Gahoole hasn't posted on YouTube, Twitter, or Discord. Gahoole isn't on his site anymore. He's been AWOL for months now.


Somebody needs to do a wellness check.


I could understand doing so if the domain was reaching a renewal date or bandwidth fees weren't paid but otherwise that seems like undue harassment. He's under no obligation to interact with us or use social media.


But I'm being serious.


I'm fine, just had some stuff happen IRL that kept me offline for the most part. Gonna stream tonight and I am the one doing the WFC thread every week best I can. Should be posting more now that stuff has slowed down


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Make me a faggot janny so I can delete the CP on sight you fat fuck!


Hello Gahoole! I will be tuning into your coverage of tonight's debate. Who do you think is favored to win?


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Welcome back, big guy. Good to know you're still with us.


>I'm fine, just had some stuff happen IRL that kept me offline for the most part.
Care to elaborate?


He is living the life like most of us, dating, staying off of the internet during the week, etc.

Good for him, imageboards are crap nowadays, too much unironically pedos incels and neets. We need more actual based "normalfag" anons, the kikes fear us.


i wonder what fish the hole is pulling.


Probably more of a business transaction than dating.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Imageboards have become the peanut gallery for shitskins, almost every fucking piece of original content came from Reddit so it's safe enough for all mexcrements to share in their socials, let alone lewd autists sucked off the Kool-AIDS and become devoted leftwing freeloaders.


ramon coon detected


His skin must be so fucked up


>only Ramonposters critize my stinky mutt compatriots




>nuzach confirmed latrino
that's fucking rough buddy


We latinos are conquering USA while you white sissies cumskins keep crying about "muh boogeymen"


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>We latinos are conquering USA
Yeah, it's not hard to imagine a bunch of parasitic, freeloading goblinos for the second coming of Hernan Cortes.
You must be pretty desperate to think that's a good comeback for getting called a shitskin. It takes cum to make life. The shit that your skin tone resembles isn't anything but disgusting waste.


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I didn't read it, its probably just you denying being a pedophile faggot and blaming some boogeyman. Kys.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
You lower life forms worship Ramon: The freeloader, from a certain show that mocks your kind produced by liberal sephardic wastes of space. But hey, you tend to worship your failures as the second of coming of Christ (ex: Mexico's narco-leftwing president being cheered on)


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>I didn't read it
It's your mixedrace genes doing a number into your braincells.


you are a huge idiot and nobody likes you, Jewzach


Very cool. Got any Dogfart?

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