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File: 1726507282764.jpg (161.54 KB, 846x1200, 141:200, de5.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Zoomers online are entirely brainwashed by that pure shithole, soyjak.party. A shithole website, a pathetic excuse of an imageboard if there ever was one. They are all insufferable faggots and are completely mentally devastated by the kikery foot that's happened to the internet since Trump won in 2016. They grew up in that shit and you plainly see it in their ideas online. A uniformly worthless generation. I hope the rest of kikejak gets the kiwifarms treatment.

Wrist and vol3 were right years ago when they were perma banning wojaks on sight. I'm sorry. You were right. Seriously.


The biggest flaw of Zoomers is that they're too pussy to make genuine stands on anything. Zoomers use irony as a coping mechanism to deal with the fact that they can't change anything.


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Internet is dead as fuck.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
wow bruh, you don't like jerking off to Glitchy productions and the many Elsagate autism videos?


I think soyjak.party wasn't so bad for a while but they made the mistake of not gatekeeping well enough.


Hey vol3 you fucking trailer park whitetrash I forgave you hoping you would do something about Ramoncoon and the spergs spamming soyjak.party memes and you did nothing.

Start perma banning them or you'll see.


Post from ohio


soyjak.party I mean…faggy.shitty is the most cancerous site in internet history and every single zoomer faggot whoever partook in faggy.shitty should be gelded. Vol3 and Wrist were 1,000% right to perma ban those faggots years ago when the cancer was spreading. I hate you pieces of zoomer shit.


Damn you are butthurt with the based anons replying your niggerposting with some mexican memes.


sharty is part of a bigger discord gayops I think. Their mannerisms are identical in a cult-like way thats unusual for even paltry zoomers.


Soyjak party is essentially the zoomer version of 8chan in the sense that they had an exodus from the site, albeit they left the site when no one should have been using it. Their early culture was okay enough but they lacked gatekeeping, they try more now but tje damage is done. Either way they are a lessor spiritual people than the anons of old, even if they show a still sometimes great strength against the (((tranny))) menace. If they got a decent admin who did a better job gatekeeping and not trying to makw soyjaks more mainstream than they already are, I.E kill the meme, they might be able to culturally recover a bit.


Their antics can be funny sometimes, but my opinion of soyjak.party plummeted after they slid the shit out of anon.cafe with spam.


I can understand it but its the default for them, they are sorta like mischievous gremlins. RIP anon.cafe.


Took a glance on the sharty wiki and was impressed by the fact that a lot of the content there was copypasted verbatim from ED.


It's been 20 years and. Encyclopedia Dramatica remains undefeated.


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Foxdick Farmers can't compete. Zaiger was a faggot though.


It basically is ED 2.0 to an extent


Kys. You are not welcome in the thread, go jack off your little white dick watching Ramon the coon.


Gas yourself, zoomer faggy.shitty cretin. All of you deserve to die!!!


Hey guys it's nuzach seething!

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