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File: 1726663874273.png (1.31 MB, 598x1000, 299:500, 67896796789989.png) ImgOps iqdb


If I can interrupt the cp spam, I have a complaint: building PC's is bullshit. God damn fucking instructions don't instruct shit. Technology is a fucking cancer.

That is all.


If you can't figure out how to assemble a gaming pc you're ngmi.


Being a millennial you're probably trying to install a lot of cooling and lighting nonsense?


>zoomer retards think you don't need cooling.
You need fans to move air. That is pretty basic.


It's piss easy, only difficulty is you have shitty lighting for the smaller cables, other than that also make sure u get the gpu before anything else, godspeed.


What do you need a gaming PC for?


I suck at it too. I was only able to attach the CPU to the motherboard and the RAM sticks by myself. People say it's not much harder than putting together Legos, but that's not true at all. I'm satisfied with the end result, but I'm probably not going to bother again.


I've honestly been getting really stressed out about the internet and technology lately. It's amazing how Google in particular has turned the internet into shit in every possible way and wants to screw things up even more.
Even Yahoo, which has completely lost relevance, is a mess.
Almost every app keeps getting the worst possible updates.
And my computer has been in a bad state for almost two years because when my Boomer mom started living with me she hired two spics to "format and fix" the PC while I was away and all they did was fuck up Windows and install some shit Russia that mines crypto using my Pc.


Install tiny11, or not dont bother with this crap lmao


So many websites are connected too some sort of AI hivemind ad algorithm thing that does predictive features from prior data tracking they have on you. I'm thinking of robots then boom 10 minutes later suddenly multiple websites have frontpage things about robots. Happens to a lot of big websites. Reddit, ebaumsworld, worldstar and dailymail, 4chan. The prediction of major websites becoming sand boxed and just bots back in 2009 was right. Ghislane maxwell had a admin account on reddit…


I give up. I can't figure out what the problem is. Fuck it. I'm taking it to a store. I fucking hate this. I'm never doing this stupid shit again.


You dumb motherfucker.
You build your pc around your cpu. What is your cpu? That will dictate the kind of ram you are using and the kind of motherboard. After that, you just get a harddrive, a GPU, a case that has room for fans, you get additional fans, a power supply strong enough to run everything, and then you assemble it. If your shit has problems booting then flash update your motherboard. That will solve 99% of your problems assuming everything is hooked up correctly. Then once you are booting up correctly, you install your pirated copy of windows and you are done.

List your parts and I will be more specific.

If you don't know what exactly to connect consult youtube. There are hundreds of videos for shit.


I was with you until >install winglows


PC building was always a pain, and that was the point, if you can't do it get filtered.


HAH, it wasn't even my fault, it was a faulty piece. I did everything else FLAWLESSLY. Fucking Chinese people.


File: 1726787598478.gif (1.77 MB, 332x332, 1:1, cpu install.gif) ImgOps iqdb


Finding out what parts I wanted wasn't the problem. Putting it all together was, especially considering I decided to go with a smaller build size than usual where there's not much space to work with. After it was put together, I had other problems to deal with. My liquid cooler ended up crapping out, for one thing.


>I user liquid cooling
Why? Just use a bloody air cooler you tard, you don't need it and overclocking was always overrated.

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