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I was up all night, so I read for most of the morning and went to bed at 2pm and woke up at 11pm.


Neat. How old are you now?


Neet life



Trying to break my NEET cycle by going back to school and getting a job. Any neets creating with their time?


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I hope you had a good birthday.


It wasn't. I slept all day. I ignored any messages from people I didn't care much about, and the people I did care about didn't care about me.
And since then the weeks since my birthday have been shit.


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I'm retired. This is my outlet for creativity. I hone my reading and conversational skills and occasionally make OC when I get the spark. Other than that, I'm basically a consumer pro.


I hope those whores got pneumonia.


They're probably fucking niggers. White women love to act like coons, dress like coons, talk like coons, dance to coon music, and then finally fuck coons and birth niglets.


I follow both of them and neither are coal burners. They dance to coon music ironically like most White girls who would never touch a black cock.


>it's all ironic, bro
Zoomer fuckwit
>I follow them bro I know because I follow their socials
God you zoomer retards deserve to die so badly. I fucking hate you pieces of irony poisoned shit
>they fuck niggers but it's ironic bro
Everything is "ironic" for you because you are too much of a retard and too much of a pussy to fact up to the fact that you are powerless loser.


Don't you have BBC porn to spam us with?


>if you object to coonery then you're secretly a coon fetishist. Only real nazis smile when their women adopt nigger ways
>everything is irony
Smelly dumb zoomer scum


>>I follow them bro I know because I follow their socials
Alyssa is literally dating Alli's brother, she just introduced him in a live, he's White.


Hey guys its Nuzach seething in another thread and being bitter because the zoomers didn't want to watch blacked together with him on discord.


My thread about my birthday and guess what, two brown incels show up to make it about themselves and their lust for niggers dicks.


Something else for you to complain about.


I hope you are happy with the life choices that led you to this point.


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>Something else for you to complain about.

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