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Say hello to my shitpost blend

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File: 1727203124029.jpg (117.33 KB, 857x746, 857:746, 20240923_202623.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Life sucks and then you die.


Watch a lot of Ramonkino first and then kill yourself



File: 1727207565658.jpg (116.28 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, joker-be971288ea7649d5bf98….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

lmao coon took the bait!


File: 1727210931969.png (684.86 KB, 705x816, 235:272, grimdark kek.png) ImgOps iqdb

Just kill yourself already, nobody will miss you, especially the other anons around here, Jewzach.


File: 1727217854504.jpg (49.11 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 418Qvqu2mhL._AC_UF1000,100….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>took the bait


>nuzach samefagging


Making fun of you isn't seething. You just come off as a sad, repetitive faggot. Nobody's seething or angry, we just wish you'd leave.


File: 1727235965775.jpg (136.61 KB, 808x808, 1:1, crying-baby-costume-mask-a….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>i-i-im not seething.
>i-i-im not repetitive
Sure, buddy.


Nobody's seething except you. Every single time you hear the word Ramon. For like, three years now.


>he does it again


I love how he doesn't even know what coon means.


He's blind, retarded, probably a mexican, and 100 percent a closeted interracial cuckoldry fetishist. I don't know where we find these people.


You find them on the webring, dummy. Trans500 and gay flashlights for the Moliberry homos.


File: 1727304305590.jpg (53.31 KB, 589x785, 589:785, 1726645456228.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Lmao you can't even create a meme, that's why you are imploring for my big baby ocs.
All you can do is post pictures of advertisements of people wearing the mask! LMAO!
Zero creativity and charisma!


Why are you depressed, Op? Don't you have a girlfriend and friends?

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