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Won what?


I like cuckime tho


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God's chosen audience.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The tourists are at it again.


I've never seen such effort put into seething about lolicon. This goy should heed his own advice and get a life.


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Until I see a romantic comedy with a pregnant belly it hasn't won shit.


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Mainstream normalniggers who hate lolicon are often retarded. There are far more pressing reasons to dislike anons obsessed with that sort of content, even beyond there borderline to unironic pedo tendencies they often make it their entire identity and are annoying as all hell.


Nips are obsessed with having no kids or one kid.


Midwits don't get it. Sure, there is a contingent of lolicon people who are coomers and goon to this type of thing, but it's usually a teen-early 20s thing when all guys are coombrains. You grow out of it after a while as your libido simmers down. The 30-something cigarette-smoking artists putting loli tropes into anime are doing it for the kawaii aesthetics. They aren't coomers.


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I've been depriving myself of cucknime for four months and since then every aspect of my life that can't be ruined by kikes or women has improved.


A lot of it is because many of them wish they were fathers.

Half the "loli" anime I have seen that features loli characters doesn't even sexualize them or only does so in a very small way to b8 the creepier ones into watching/buying merch to goon to. A lot of these "loli" anime is about an MC collecting cute and innocent girls, protecting them from creeps/basically becoming their fathers. Literally loli-rescue/collection shoes. Its often mixed up with the want for a partner so sometimes MC ends up marrying one of them once she comes of age. I got mixed feelings about it but I think its a lot better than the gross complete demhumanization/subversion a lot of lolicon hentai has

As for the moe tropes/cute girls in a lot of non-gooner anime, that is just the author creating idealized girls in an attempt to encourage better behavior among females and to also indulge in a fantasy where woman aren't total whores.




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