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Say hello to my shitpost blend
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hello everyone!
this is my goodbye to my channel.
been thinking about this for a while now and i think now is the right time. originally, i was going to announce it after the dramacydal tape project dropped. but since bomb1st forums shut down. it kind of just ruined all of my plans lol.
either way, i have come to realize that i just don't have the time for this anymore. i may upload here and there but don't expect anything to come soon. it has been a good 2 years or so, still can't believe how many views that "soon as i get home" video got. in the future i might eventually upload a DL link of all the tracks i have posted and anything else i have made. but for now, thanks to everyone who has been along for the ride, unfortunately it has come to an end.

cheers, pacmusic.

forgot to mention, this is also a goodbye to my other channels: youtube.com/@Scared_Str8 & youtube.com/@PacMusicAndLyNE . (but don't worry they aren't going anywhere lol)

pac is still the goat


bwcpac in da house


File: 1727421088482.mp4 (3.38 MB, 480x360, 4:3, fast_rap_tupac_serbia.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


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People who are incapable of creating creative threads and just spam the same sentences over and over again are one of the reasons the internet is dead.

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