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File: 1727535603304.jpg (114.12 KB, 887x983, 887:983, 1727437648775052.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


so many pedophiles on this site? Gahoole get it together man.


Name them.


File: 1727536368094.mp4 (6.33 MB, 680x720, 17:18, Alice.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Yakuza, nuzach, ramonfags (they don't know a lot of those trannies were underage) The vol's who let CP stay up for literal hours, Gahoole since he knows some of his vol's are pedophiles, every fucking day there's cp on this site, get it together incels


I knew this would be some emo song lol.


The ches pizza spam is insane.


Honestly, it doesn't bother me.

It gets under the kike's skin that there are still places like these where the goyim can speak freely, so they wage these perpetual attacks on our sites in an attempt to get them shut down. The thing is, this board with its little CP spam problem is more valuable to the feds being up, than shut down.


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It really is like wtf man


feds dont give af about this site you're small fish, wouldn't be surprised if gahoole was fed connected since i heard his dad worked in the military and we all know when he got raided nothing happened even tho cp is part of this sites culture really makes u think


Gahoole flipped because it was either prison or be the frontman of this honeypot, I don't blame him, pretty easy decision to me.


Your just making shit up at this point. I remove the cp when I am here, pedos spam imageboards because sadly easy for them to gather and spread their filth, feds do it to muddy waters and make honeypots.
t. janny


Jesus fucking christ these freaks keep getting more disgusting with their posts, I can honestly see why emojitroon got as mad as he did after seeing that crap, well its gone now.


You may be a janny, but you seem new, you don't seem to grasp the nature of the spam.

It is not being done to promote pedophilia, it is weaponized CP posted by bad actors, to attack the security of the site.


You are a pedo, emoji, you aren't 17 years anymore, you fap to tranny porn and interracial porn and then larp as some sort of straight saint.
You are already grooming underrated boys on discord and trying to convince them to take hrt.


At least he hasn't posted cp, he has openly posted his attraction to men and troons before.


Nah I get that, and its fucked, but we sadly have a few resident pedos here who have posted their own fucked up shit


Anyone drooling over children should be castrated.
I don't like having to see that shit, even if it's easy to recognize without having to look directly at it.


Project more vol faggot

I am a femsexual that is true, but I've never did pedo stuff, kys.


You are gay.


File: 1727583557592.jpg (114.54 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1699215625593531.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Lol you're gay, my waifu list is 300 strong


What the fuck does femsexual mean?


Somebody who is either attracted to real females or female-presenting males, I'd wager.


So you have gone made I presume?




You have still gone mad, just cause I misspelled it doesn't change anything. "Femboys" aren't real. Just say your gay instead of applying literal tumblr logic and pretending you have some sort of special unique sexuality in the current year. You are a homosexual if you like men at all.


How did you get from my comment that I'm the one who's claiming to be "femsexual"? I was giving my opinion as to what that term means.


Emojitroon is gay, he literally sucked a brazilian shemale in Toronto last year and denied being gay because sHE was "female enough".


>Child porn in the webs
It's an unspoken feature once the Internet got hosed up to life support thanks to snowniggers and incompetent moderators, even Reddit, DeviantArt and Tumblr were being affected by it.


you mean jews anon


cause I assumed only emoji himself would care to explain his literal 2014 snowflake identity.


>banned on 4chan for posting video games on /v/
Did you faggots solve the pedo problem yet?
I'm not becoming a regular poster again until you do.


File: 1727656942001.jpg (114.75 KB, 914x1358, 457:679, QHdEYIx.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Hey its Emojitroon!!!


I don't actually know who that is.
I think you people have referred to me as all of these names at least once.


File: 1727657899020.jpg (91.48 KB, 1080x931, 1080:931, Tumblr_l_2481814370682.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

I don't dislike you, emoji.


I literally dunno who that is. Explain "Emojitroon" to me.


Gay dude from Canada who usually gets banned on cuckchan for being retarded and then comes back to here and seethe about the mods


I'm not from Canada.


Quebec is part of Canada


File: 1727737446438.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.17 MB, 926x1545, 926:1545, Least terminal online devi….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

It is anti-semitism without using obvious anti-semite remarks, one thing for sure is that glowies always enable pedophiles while shafting anyone who doesn't fall in line.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Jesus christ that is fucking sad
<piece or shit boomer/gen x parent didm't care
Of course


Your taste in waifus is declining, Emoji. What's going on?


None of these trannies are attractive, get some taste incel

What's wrong with young christina ricci? I always had a soft spot for irish girls


Kill yourself.


Emojitroon and Yakuza are a good couple, both are strongest paladins of BNWO.


Emojitroon is allegedly doing some pretty disturbing things and is using grindr to search for Black trans with fat cocks


>christina ricci
I personally think she's ugly. Nothing about her is attractive to me.


Yakuza invited them.

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