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Reminder that zoomers are subhuman infantilized vermin.


Jewzach, you used to dick suck zoomers, what happened, you got bttfo'd by one or they didn't want to have you around? Damn, that's really sad, you always dick suck everyone but nobody likes you.


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I never once said anything good about zooomers nor will I ever. Your generation is without exception absolutely, irredemably kike'd negrophilic vermin good for nothing but oven fuel.


Lmao Nuzach is another old incel who tried to hang out with young guys and got rejected as a creepedo.

He's even frogposting after being destroyed by calculator-kun and weakload LMAO!!!


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>zoomers are subhuman infantilized vermin.
So are millennials, what's your point?


the funny thing is, nuzach used to dick suck the zoomer for almost 2 years and now he is mad at them because they didn't want to have him around spamming nigger dicks and defending the kikes


Hang out with you? I was here BEFORE you, you disrespectful Zoomer actual negrophilic zogbot. I was here 15 fucking years before you. I guarantee every single one of you listens to rap music. Every single fucking one of you pieces of zoomer shit are deep down nigger lovers because you are the most kike'd generation yet. Millennials have nothing on your level of groidism. You've out jew'd the jew and out nigger'd the nigger!
you worthless faggots really do just pull shit out of your ass and attribute it to me because that's how pissed off you are at me. You uncontrollably sling diarrhea shit at the walls just like the niggers you so admire. Perfect zogbots.


Gayvin is a bitch who stopped being relevant or interesting years ago. How many years has it been since he got BTFO by Emily Youcis now?
Every generation is fagtarded in its own gay little ways.


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You are seething like hell my little spic lolcow.
The funniest part is that I'm with my girlfriend and friends watching the Sopranos, eating good food and drinking and just using the site during breaks to piss and bait you.
You're butthurt as usual, lonely and bitter while I'm having a great time IRL and making a lolcow seethe.


nuzach is land sea and air


>Navy seal copypasta but nuzach


i've fucked my wife and drunk 1 liter of vodka and baited nuzach while he seethed


i've baited my wife and drunk 1 liter of vodka and fucked nuzach while he seethed




BASED, imagine being a butthurt incel like nuzach

i ate prime pussy while nuzach was seething


47.5 alcoholic content and plenty of pussy and bussy today


>Emily Youcis
Whatever happened to her? She use to be such wife material. Is she married with kids yet?


pics or btfo


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Tiktokers recently discovered her cartoon and later regret googling her name.


the funny thing is, most of anons actually have a normal life and are married or dating or just getting casual pussy while the gaycel only have us in his sad life


you are without question a virgin.


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>you are without question a virgin.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>Whatever happened to her?
Making shitlibs butthurt.
>Is she married with kids yet?
Yeah, I think so.


she married Warren at TRS and they're pretending to be a couple but have no kids.
the whole right wing scene and all of imageboard culture is dead. The onlything left are soytrannies.


>she married Warren at TRS and they're pretending to be a couple but have no kids.
Oh, I thought she was on some podcast about being a mom or something. I didn't know she didn't have kids.




he has no real opinion about anything, he's just a bitter emasculated nigger lover but yeah for a while he embraced the simping for Zoomers and said he wanted to be one.

pretty pathetic tbqh


>faggots just spewing shit because they're so mad at me
Just so anyone who is not a soytranny knows, I never once said anything good about zoomers. Every single one of you should be sterilized…but then again you are nazi incels from soyjack.party so you sterilized yourself already lol. That is the real reason why you're mad at me so much, and why you're prison gay porn addicts.


i made you so butthurt to the point where you saged your own pathetic thread,lmao


So? Get a life if you actually care about that you have to be a virgin lol. This dumb virgin is trying to keep points on his nolifer board about his gay little internet battles.


I think this is the angriest I've seen you, and you've been doing this gay shit for a while. What's wrong, man? Why are you reacting like this?


Zoomer soytrannies have been buckbroken by nuzach.


He is a masochistic gaycel whose sole purpose in life is to be humiliated and hated on imageboards.


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If I hated this I wouldn't be here lol. You on the other hand have nowhere else to go, either virtually or irl, and that is why destroying your little shithole was so fun and is why I stayed around! Haha. Fuck you!
I'm glad that the trannies came after faggy.shitty too and foxdickfarms. You losers are forever cowering in fear like the darwinian fodder you are.


You forgot to sage, faggot.

You haven't destroyed shit, man, this place was dead as dillenger a long-ass time before you showed up. Honestly you're some of the better entertainment here, because of your seemingly endless desire to be humiliated for some reason.


>this place was dead as a dillinger in 2020!
>this place was dead as a dillinger at the very beginning! so take that
besides being a retard, saying dillinger made you sound very gay.


>You haven't destroyed shit, man, this place was dead as dillenger a long-ass time before you showed up
I mean its not really dead if were all still here shitposting and having fun. The only (you) here that never has fun is nuzach because hes just a cuck trying to write post after post of weird reverse-psychology to prove to every other anon here that were actually cucks for seeing the nigger dicks and cp that he posts incessantly.


I guess I more mean that it's never exactly had a ton of people. I highly doubt this website's ever had more than a few dozen to a hundred users. Acting like a butthurt faggot to troll he's yet to troll anyone an online community of like 30 guys isn't exactly something that's going to make anyone think you're le epic internet chessmaster


>he is now even dick sucking sneedious
lmao, you always reach the lowest when copes


>You on the other hand have nowhere else to go, either virtually or irl
very ironic coming from nuzach


He is completely blind to his own irony and hypocrisy.


Black Zoomers have no respect, none of them want to fuck my ass, they said I'm too old and poor. Back in the day, Black guys would fuck anything for free.

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