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Everything is going wrong.
In personal life and the world as a whole.
Even the small promises of improvement didn't come to fruition and now I find myself alone and hating everyone or at least distrusting them and knowing that I cannot delude myself with friendship or family.
Not even music, books and the Bible are helping me to distract myself or have a good time. Sometimes I go days without accessing the internet because it's sad to see what happened to the Internet thanks to zoomers and corporations.
It's over.


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Never give up anon.


I used to be the same. Not as frustrated anymore, it's kinda mellowed out but I am tired and sorta given up.




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The "blackpill" is just cope, an excuse to give up on everything and put no effort in. Most of the tortured souls on imageboards are just little bitches who don't want to face hardship or rejection. Can't hide from the world forever


You should take up an exciting career seething about Ramon literally 24/7, that'll turn things around for you I'm sure.


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Holy trips confirm anons need to get off their asses. The worlds femoids needs your BWCs more than ever.


The blackpill is the inevitable conclusion when you face too much hardship and rejection in life.


But it actually doesn't ever tell you to give up on anything, just to realize how hard life can be.


Best enjoy these times, anon, because soon these jews will have us in WW3 and we'll be in a world of pain.


The end of the cycle is coming, but its not bad for a rebirth will come that will see the yids power finally taken away.


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I blame the other anons for being white and happy and white women for not wanting to have sex with me neither letting hot guys having sex with me.
You losers seethe about DAJOOOOS but they never did anything bad to me, only you nazi virgins who bully me and don't want to fuck my brown hairy ass.


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You need to accept your lot in life, accept that White women are just not for you.

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